Posted: September 4th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Howard Stanton Levey, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Baeldraca, Feond, Internal Adept, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, Occultism, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Paganism, Seven Fold Way, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Book Review: Feond, and Baeldraca

Feond: Order Of Nine Angles – Toward Internal Adept,
2019, 110 pages, ISBN 978-1687255624
Baeldraca: Order Of Nine Angles,
2019, 105 pages, ISBN 978-1689931953
With the publication in 2019 of two printed books about the O9A – Feond, and Baeldraca – the public profile of the O9A is taken to the “next level”. A level beyond the type of satanism and the neo-nazi occultism that the O9A is, rightly or wrongly, notorious for, and thus beyond the texts contained in much earlier books such as Naos, The Black Book of Satan, and Hostia.
The new books, which compliment each other, contain a selection of post-2012 texts which deal with O9A occultism and traditions, and the knowledge and the understanding expected of the O9A Internal Adept, the stage – on the O9A Seven Fold Way – beyond the early stages of Initiate and External Adept and which early stages books such as Hostia deal with.
Most of the knowledge imparted in the two hundred or so pages of these new books will be unfamiliar to those students of the occult, and to academics, who have concentrated on studying the Qabalah based and “goetic” traditions of the Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn and of the likes of Mr Aleister Crowley and Michael Aquino. The knowledge will also be unfamiliar to those who follow or who study the modern ‘satanism’ of showman Howard Stanton Levey, better known under his alias of Anton LaVey.
The post-2012 texts will also disappoint those who expect to find ‘satanic rituals’ or heretical diatribes, for when not eruditely informing readers about obscure occult topics – such as sorcery in Virgil’s Aeneid, or the Greek origin of the name Baphomet – the texts deal with esoteric philosophy and how O9A esotericism and methods are related to Hellenic and Hermetic mysticism, to Renaissance alchemy, and to the neglected paganism of a septenary anados or quest. That most of the texts includes copious footnotes containing references to other O9A texts and to works such as the Corpus Hermeticum, will also deter many readers.
In consequence the books are niche products and well express the pagan, classical, Western, notion of καλὸς κἀγαθός which, as texts such as the one titled Appreciating καλὸς κἀγαθός and the O9A in the Feond book describe, could be considered to reveal the type of personal character which it is one of the main aims of the O9A Seven Fold Way to encourage and create.
Which character is the opposite of the egoistic type encouraged by the likes of Crowley, by Levey and by modern practitioners of a Hebrew indebted qabalistic Left Hand Path. A difference that Anton Long and those of the “inner O9A” {1} have pointed out many times before and after 2012. {2}
In regard to satanism and neo-nazism, the text The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A in the Feond book references neglected explanations by “Anton Long” in the early 1990s. Which explanations are that both satanism and neo-nazism are considered to be causal forms, ideas, which could be used to achieve certain Aeonic – “sinister” – goals or which can be useful as Insight Roles, as learning experiences, by the Initiate or the External Adept.
“To achieve the strategic goals, certain tactics have to be used. This means involvement ‘in the world’ by some individuals/members – for instance, the disruption of society, the creation/manipulation of certain forms.” {3}
To conclude, the books will be useful not only to those, such as students of the occult and academics, who seek to understand the O9A, its traditions and occult roots and how it differs from other modern occult groups and movements, but also to those who have begun their own anados, their own journey, or who are considering making such a journey, along the difficult, the dangerous, O9A Seven Fold Way
R Parker
September 2019 ev
{1} The Inner O9A – also known as the Inner ONA – is the exoteric name given to a small group of individuals who were recruited or trained or guided by “Anton Long” and who have achieved the Grade of Internal Adept or (more recently) who follow the O9A Rounwytha tradition. They are all personally known to each other and have an established tradition of meeting every three or so years at a Sunedrion, often at Oxford following the end of Trinity Term.
The short story Sunedrion – A Wyrdful Tale fictionalizes one such Sunedrion, and is available at
{2} Refer to O9A texts such as (i) Culling As Art, (ii) The De-Evolutionary Nature of Might is Right, (iii) The Gentleman’s – and Noble Ladies – Brief Guide to The Dark Arts, and (iv) The Puffery That Is The Satanic Bible.
The texts are usefully collected in a pdf document:
See also:
{3} Letter dated 6th September 1992 eh and addressed to a Mr Austen, quoted in Feond.
Posted: September 12th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Heretical Texts, Howard Stanton Levey, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anti-O9A Propaganda, Anton LaVey, Anton Long, Inner O9A, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, Magian, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Anti-O9A Propaganda Exposed
Anti-O9A Propaganda Exposed
Since the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) publicly and controversially emerged on the Occult scene in the 1980s – with its affirmation that human sacrifice was part of traditional Satanism, and with its Mass Of Heresy in praise of Hitler – many self-professed modern ‘satanists’ (who follow the modern materialistic, law-abiding, ‘satanism’ developed by Howard Stanton Levey, aka Anton LaVey) and many self-professed followers of the modern, kabbalah indebted, Left Hand Path invented by the likes of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aquino’s Temple of Set, have spread propaganda and lies about the O9A.
For the fact is that the O9A presented “a dangerous and extreme form of Satanism” {1} and directly challenged both the modern materialistic ‘satanism’ developed by Levey and the modern, kabbalah indebted, Left Hand Path with its Hebrew Otz Chim.
Thus it is not surprising that the anti-O9A crowd, following or indebted to or inspired by Levey-type ‘satanism’ – or following or indebted to or inspired by a kabbalah indebted Left Hand Path – would spread such propaganda and lies about the O9A.
For O9A folk were – in all but name – modern Occult heretics, given their promotion of National Socialism, given their holocaust denial, given their affirmation of the necessity of human sacrifice; given their tough physical challenges such as spending at least three months living alone in the wilderness; and given their practical Insight Roles lasting around a year whose “sinister-numinous” options included being an assassin or a burglar or a monk or a medic or a police officer.
O9A folk were also heretical in terms of their Occult philosophy, promoting a septenary system in place of the accepted Hebrew Otz Chim with its ten-fold sephera (a Hebrew system used by all non-o9a modern Occultists) and claiming that their septenary system represented the genuine Western Occult tradition and pre-dated the Hebrew Otz Chim by centuries.
We present here a few of the most popular propaganda statements made, and lies spread, about the O9A by the anti-O9A crowd, together with the “heretical reality” which debunks each of those propaganda statements and lies.
Posted: April 24th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Howard Stanton Levey, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Polemics, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, David Myatt, Left Hand Path, Nexion, O9A, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Another Academic Misrepresentation
A 2017 essay by Della E. Campion of the University of Washington – who has written various essays about modern esotericism and modern Satanism – deals with the Order of Nine Angles document titled The Culling Texts, containing as that document does the five (mostly vintage) texts (i) Concerning Culling as Art, (ii) A Gift for the Prince – A Guide to Human Sacrifice, (ii) Victims – A Sinister Exposé, (iii) Culling – A Guide to Sacrifice II, (iv) Guidelines for the Testing of Opfers, (v) Satanism, Sacrifice, and Crime – The Satanic Truth.
There are serious flaws with the essay and which flaws undermine the argument and conclusions of Campion.
The article by Ms Scott enumerates these five serious flaws and, by referencing O9A primary sources, deals with each in detail.
Another Academic Misrepresentation Of The Order Of Nine Angles
Posted: April 12th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Howard Stanton Levey, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, David Myatt, Left Hand Path, Nexion, O9A, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Classifying Order Of Nine Angles Texts
Classifying O9A Texts
Since the early 1980s, beginning with the Black Book of Satan, the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) has published and circulated thousands of texts; so many in fact that one academic wrote:
“the ONA has produced more material on both the practical and theoretical aspects of magic, as well as more ideological texts on Satanism and the Left-Hand Path in general, than larger groups such as the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set has produced in combination [which] makes the ONA an important player in the theoretical discussion of what the Left-Hand Path and Satanism is and should be according to the practitioners.” {1}
Given (i) the sheer volume of O9A texts, (ii) the growing interest in the O9A both academically and otherwise, and (iii) the profusion of recent (post-2011) texts dealing with aspects of O9A esotericism such as links to Hellenic hermeticism and why the O9A represents a ‘sinister-numinous’ and modern pagan tradition, it seems apposite to place now familiar O9A texts into their historical and esoteric context.
T.W.S. Nexion
129 yf
{1} Senholt, Jacob. The Sinister Tradition. A paper presented at the international conference, Satanism in the Modern World, held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim on the 19-20th of November, 2009. p.26