Posted: June 28th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Heretical Texts, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anti-Fascism, Anti-Fascist Watch, Anton Long, David Myatt, Fake News, Inner O9A, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, National Action, Nazi Satanism, Nazi Satanists, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Nazi Satanism, O9A, Occult Mythos, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sonnenkrieg Division. Nazi Satanism, The Occult Phantom Menace, The Sinister Tradition | Comments Off on O9A: The Establishment Orthodoxy

Establishment Orthodoxy About The O9A
pdf version:
O9A: The Establishment Orthodoxy
Text version:
There are three main problems with items about or mentioning the Order Of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) published in mainstream Media, by certain anti-fascist groups, and by others.
Problems which the unprecedented reportage of the O9A in 2018 and 2019 have clearly revealed, with items about or mentioning the O9A published (i) in mainstream British newspapers such as The Independent, The Sun, The Guardian, and The Daily Telegraph, (ii) in reports issued by anti-fascist groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and “Hope not hate”, and (iii) in the music section of the newspaper LA Weekly, and on the popular youth-and-music-orientated Quietus website.
§ The first problem is that the reporting is decidedly Old Aeon: decidedly part of the Establishment, of the status quo, with reliance on a dialectic of, a struggle between, conflicting opposites such as “good and evil”, “fascist and anti-fascist”, “nazis and anti-fascists”, “racist and anti-racist”, “Right Hand Path and Left Hand Path”, “Satanist and Christian”, and on clichés such as “we are anti-[this], pro-[that]…”
§ The second problem is that the reporting reflects what has now become the accepted modern orthodoxy, by the Establishment and the Media and by anti-fascist groups, regarding both the O9A and Mr Myatt. Which orthodoxy is the deception that the O9A is a Satanist and a “neo-nazi” group; that Mr Myatt is Anton Long, was the founder and “leader” of the O9A, is a Satanist, is still a neo-nazi, and is still pursuing a subversive or a terrorist agenda by means of the O9A.
Acceptance of or belief in this orthodoxy by journalists, by anti-fascists, and by others, means that journalists, anti-fascists, and others (i) do not bother with providing, or feel it is unnecessary to provide, evidence which has probative value in regard to such orthodox claims and allegations and beliefs about the O9A and about Myatt, and (ii) do not bother with doing, or feel it is unnecessary to do, their own research into the O9A and the life of Myatt, and so do not inform their readers of the necessary wider context, which – in the matter of the O9A – is the “sinister-numinous” esoteric philosophy and methods of the O9A {1}, and which – in the case of Myatt – is his documented post-2010 rejection of extremism {2} and his mystical philosophy of pathei-mathos {3}.
Thus, in respect of O9A esotericism and praxises the wider context is that the O9A is neither Satanist nor neo-nazi but has suggested that those reaching the third stage of the decades-long O9A Seven Fold Way might usefully, as learning experiences and for a year to eighteen months, undertake an Insight Role as a neo-nazi and/or as a ‘satanist’, after which they move to other tasks and other learning experiences such a living alone in the wilderness for between three and six months. {4}
§ The third problem is that those who report on or who write about the O9A often rely on or quote from two forgeries, respectively titled Diablerie and Bealuwes Gast. Both are claimed to have been written by “Anton Long”, are purported to be autobiographical; are assumed to document the hidden O9A aspects of Myatt’s life, and thus are regarded as “proof” that Myatt=Long.
However, both Diablerie and Bealuwes Gast have been described by Myatt as forgeries {5}. In addition, as mentioned in A Skeptic Reviews Diablerie the “evil deeds” that are described
“are lame or laughable or sound like the adventures of a frat boy” {6}
with the text containing
“clipped sentences of the type often found in first-person ‘action’ novels or comic strips of the Dick Tracey type. It is as if Diablerie is pulp fiction, a first-person narrative of fictional anti-hero and evil Satanist, Anton Long, with – and importantly – some quotes from the writings of the real person who the author wants people to believe is the inspiration for his fictional Anton Long. Quotes inserted as ‘background’ for credibility.”
As described in Bealuwes Gast: A Study in Forgery, the writer of Bealuwes Gast
“egoistically boasts that “he does not care,†that he has “exulted in life†and that he is “a nasty piece of work,†all of which statements and sentiments are profoundly at odds with everything Myatt has written post-2006, and in many of which writings he expresses remorse for his decades of extremism […]
The sinister sections – detailing Anton Long’s experiences and “exulting in life†as a sorcerer – are rather contrived, fanciful, and unconvincing, not to say more suited to a work of fiction.” {7}
The author of Bealuwes Gast: A Study in Forgery then goes on to describe the errors made by the forger.
In addition, as noted in a little-known and humorous O9A text published in 2015:
“Diablerie, like the role of ‘outer representative’, was part of that Sinister Game which we played for several decades. Diablerie was a work of fiction written by a certain friend of mine, and contained some (not many but just enough) facts, and designed as it was to not only create a certain mythos, a certain mystique, but also to test, confuse, mislead, entice, and perhaps inspire a few individuals to do their own primary scholarly research and so discover the truth.” A Most Brief Discourse On The History Of The Order of Nine Angles {8}
The ponderous sub-title and the Preface of A Most Brief Discourse On The History Of The Order of Nine Angles are a homage to John Dee’s A True & Faithful Relation of what Passed for Many Yeers Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits published in 1659 by Meric Casaubon.
The Preface of A Most Brief Discourse, complete with archaic spelling and archaic capitalization and relevant as it is to understanding what part of the O9A’s Labyrinthos Mythologicus means, is:
“What is here presented might well be deemed and termed A Work of Darknesse. A work by some gladly believed; by others an entertainment; because it is very possible that every Reader will make of it what they will. For the World is full of imposture. Yet there was a Time when sorcery was the delight of many mortals, and many and various Divels were believed in and when things impossible to ordinary sense were believed done by Nature.
Finally, if there were any such thing really as Divels then surely they would appear to such as did call upon them as a Mythos and a Mysterium Esoteric even to this day. I read over the transcript exactly and taking note of the most remarkable passages (as they appeared unto me) I present them here for Anton Long was indeed a myth maker, the best sort of Sorcerer.”
That journalists, anti-fascists, some academics, and others have assumed that both Diablerie and Bealuwes Gast are genuine manuscripts written by Myatt proves (i) the efficacy of the O9A’s Labyrinthos Mythologicus, and (ii) that such people have not undertaken “their own primary scholarly research” into both the O9A and the life of Myatt, and (iii) that they have accepted or believe in the prevailing Establishment and Media orthodoxy regarding the O9A and Myatt.
§ The fourth problem, deriving from the previous three, is that those who report on the O9A and who write about Myatt do so in ignorance of the facts and thus present a prejudiced, a biased, view of the O9A and Myatt. A biased view which in the case of politically active anti-fascist groups is propagandistic and often deliberately biased, driving as such bias often does from an irrational dislike or a hatred of those deemed to be their “enemies”, in this case the O9A and/or Myatt. A prejudice and a hatred enshrined in the anti-fascist motto “Never Forget, Never Forgive, Never Again”.
Thus do such anti-fascists invent and propagate rumours and hearsay, and make malicious unproven allegations about those deemed to be their enemies {9}. And thus do they make derogatory remarks about or try to demean those deemed to be their enemies, while hypocritically asserting that they champion “hope” not “hate”.
Thus do they also unknowingly or knowingly make use of forgeries, and fabricate “evidence”, such as misattribute quotations, and claim without providing evidence from primary sources that a certain person said or wrote “this” or “that”. {10}
Thus do they make assumptions and claims – without providing evidence from primary sources – about who is behind pseudonyms such as “Anton Long” and “dark logos”, and thus do they commit fallacies such as (i) Incomplete Evidence, where evidence which does not support their opinion or their view or their claims or their propaganda is omitted, (ii) consensus gentium, stating that since many people believe a thing it must be true, (iii) illicit transference, when for example they argue from the particular to the general, (iv) argumentum ad personam, where they appeal to the personal likes and prejudices of people, (v) appeal to authority, where they reference the opinion of someone regarded by them as an “expert”, and (vi) ignoratio elenchi, where an irrelevant or personal topic is introduced in order to distract attention, the most popular form of which is argumentum ad hominem where claims or allegations are made about a person or a group, or where they make derogatory or abusive remarks about or try to demean a person or a group.
Thus do they – in a classic example of argumentum ad hominem – speculate about the “motives” and the character of those involved with the O9A, and thus do they – in classic examples of presumption, bias and partiality – write such things as “it’s hard to take anything Myatt says at face value, so successfully has he enshrouded himself in self-contradictory disinformation”, {11} and that many of those they allege are involved with the O9A “are deceptive and manipulative so that what they say or write cannot be trusted”.
Such problems are not unique to those who report on or who mention the O9A and Myatt. Rather, they are indicative of two things.
§ First, they are indicative of the nature – the physis, the character, the being – of many individuals in the modern world. A human nature apparently unchanged in so many despite (i) the advantages in all Western lands of State sponsored primary and secondary education for children and young people, and the advantages afforded by tertiary education, and (ii) the existence of libraries (such as The Bodleian. The British Library, The Library of Congress) and the accessibility of many primary sources together with a scholarly tradition dating back over a thousand years.
For the character that is so indicated is one or more of the following: of an acceptance of a contemporary orthodoxy; of adhering to an ideology and placing that ideology before facts personally discovered; of believing what some ideologue or demagogue states is “fact” or “truth”; of being superficial, populist, unscholarly, quick to judge, opinionated, presumptive, and prejudiced.
§ Second, they are indicative of the nature – the physis, the character, the being – of most modern Media, from printed newspapers, to “social media”, to printed and digital reports and television “documentaries” produced for political or idealogical or propaganda purposes or which reflect contemporary orthodoxy about a subject, a person, or a group.
The nature of which Media is often superficial, populist, unscholarly, quick to judge, opinionated, presumptive, prejudiced, with a tendency or a need to sensationalize certain stories or events and stereotype certain individuals.
We know and we understand that our efforts, in items such as this, to document or to draw attention to the flaws in most reportage of the O9A and of Myatt will not affect most of those who because of such flawed reportage accept the modern orthodoxy about the O9A and about Myatt and which orthodoxy is embedded in and reinforced and added to by such reportage.
We also know and accept that politically active anti-fascist groups and individuals will continue with their often prejudiced and often hateful propaganda against “us” because they deem us to be their “enemies”, just as they will continue to try to denigrate and smear us, and continue to try and agitate for the authorities (the police and the intelligence services) to immediately investigate “us” {12} for so-called “hate speech” and for “encouraging” acts of terrorism {13} with a view to the O9A being proscribed as a “terrorist” organization, with its literature banned, and with those deemed to be its “leaders” or “members” imprisoned. {14}
Such causal, Old Aeon, shenanigans by such Old Aeon individuals aside, we know and understand that such reportage and such activities to suppress the heretical dissent of our sub-culture has engendered in a few individuals, and only in a few individuals, a desire to undertake a detailed study of O9A works with a view to discovering for themselves the true nature – the physis – of O9A esotericism; a physis evident in the term the sinister-numinous tradition, with that tradition founded on and re-presenting in a modern way an ancient Greco-Roman pagan and hermetic mysticism {1}.
Such causal, Old Aeon, shenanigans have also engendered in a minority of those few individuals a desire to undertake a study of David Myatt’s life and works with a view to discovering for themselves his Aeonic legacy {15}.
Which is reason enough for us, and for the Occult cognoscenti who like us possess an Aeonic perspective, to amusingly smile at those who have designated Myatt and us and the O9A as their enemies.
Rachael Stirling
June 2019 ev
{1} (i)
{2} Refer for example to:
(i) Understanding and Rejecting Extremism, 2013, ISBN-13: 978-1484854266. Gratis Open Access pdf version:
(ii) Myngath: Some Recollections of a Wyrdful and Extremist Life, 2013, ISBN-13: 978-1484110744. Gratis Open Access pdf version:
{3} Refer for example to
{4} A modern, progressive, version of the Seven Fold Way – which does not involve those specific Insight Roles – is given in
See also (i) The Multiform O9A, and (ii) The Evolution Of the O9A, at
{8} The text in question is A Most Brief Discourse On The History Of The Order of Nine Angles. The text is available at
{9} One of the malicious allegations of a certain anti-fascist group in respect of the O9A is their attempt to link the O9A to paedophilia and to the promotion of misogyny and rape.
As so-called “evidence” of paedophilia they cite the case of two members of a neo-nazi group convicted of paedophilia, claim that group is linked to the O9A, and then in a classic case of the fallacy of illicit transference use those two examples to besmirch the O9A, despite the fact that O9A literature clearly states that
“individuals of certain proclivities, involving children, are regarded by us as dishonourable individuals who most certainly are not of our kind.” Source:
Similarly in respect of their smear regarding misogyny and rape, for they quote some things written by a few individuals claiming to be neo-nazis, again generalize from such examples, and neglect to mention that the O9A has and always has had Sapphic nexions, has published a Sapphic novel – Breaking The Silence Down – and has, according to an academic:
“more female supporters than either the Church of Satan or the Temple of Set [and] more women with children.” Source: J.R Lewis, Satanic Attitudes, in Asbjorn Dyrendal, James R. Lewis, Jesper A. Petersen (editors), The Invention of Satanism, Oxford University Press, 2015. p.191, pp.194–196.
In addition, the O9A Code of Kindred Honour, one of the foundations of O9A esoteric philosophy, enshrines gender equality.
In respect of rape, O9A literature clearly states that rapists are suitable candidates for culling. See, for example, which describes a real-life incident.
Thus, such attempts to besmirch the O9A, and the failure of anti-fascists and others to quote relevant O9A texts, are sufficient to reveal just how hateful, deceitful, duplicitous, and hypocritical such anti-fascists are.
{10} Multiple examples, relating to the O9A and Myatt, are given in the articles (i) Exposing Twelve Basic Errors: Or, How To Spread Fake News, available at and (ii) O9A Transgression And Subversion, available at
{11} Beyond The Iron Gates: How Nazi-Satanists Infiltrated the UK Underground, The Quietus, November 27th, 2018.
{12} Violent neo-Nazi movements endangering UK are driven by Satanists who want global race war, The Sun newspaper, 22 Feb 2019.
{13} Neo‑Nazis hijack gaming groups to spread hate against Muslims, The Times newspaper, March 23 2019.
{14} That the O9A has no “leader” and no “members” and is not an organization but rather is an Occult sub-culture or movement (or an “idea” and a mythos) is never mentioned by those who report on or who write about the O9A. Neither does such a reality form part of the modern orthodoxy about the O9A.
{15} Three different views are given at
Posted: June 26th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinister Strategy, Sorcery, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Herewith, A Return To The Dark?
Herewith, A Return To The Dark?
As Anton Long wrote in 2011 ev in the ONA text The Discovery and Knowing of Satan,
“The Order of Nine Angles is an esoteric association of individuals, and the emphasis of this association is on: (1) practical experience and challenges (Occult, exoteric, and amoral) and (2) on the authority of individual judgement. Thus, for the ONA, what matters is the individual developing, from their own years-long (mostly decades-long) practical experience, a personal weltanschauung: that is, discovering their own individual answers to certain questions concerning themselves, life, existence, the Occult, and the nature of Reality.”
Also, two decades earlier he had written,
“There is no acceptance of someone else’s authority […] I claim no authority, and my creations, profuse as they are, will in the end be accepted or rejected on the basis of whether they work. Satan forbid they should ever become dogma or a matter of faith. I also expect to see them become transformed, by their own metamorphosis and that due to other individuals: changed, extended and probably ultimately transcended, may be even forgotten. They – like the individual I am at the moment – are only a stage, toward something else.” {1}
As Professor Monette explained, the O9A
“is not a structured lodge or temple, but rather a movement, a subculture or perhaps metaculture that its adherents choose to embody or identify with.” {2}
Now, in 2018 ev, with the early stages of Phase III of O9A sinister strategy {3} well-presenced, {4} and with an abundance of new and old O9A texts freely (and, for now, still) available from the omega9alpha weblog, it is obvious that the public future and the public persona/personae of the O9A – and the present and future interpretations, manifestations, and the natural evolution of the O9A – belong to (i) independent O9A nexions – be they traditional, Satanist, pagan, Left Hand Path, NS-orientated, Darkly Sinister, Vampyric, or otherwise – and (ii) to those artists, musicians (of whatever genre or none) and activists who presence by their endeavours the sinister-numinous aesthetic, and/or who presence or embody the esoteric philosophy and praxises, of the Order of Nine Angles.
Sufficient has been written, over the past four decades, by both “Anton Long” and The Inner ONA for those interested in the O9A to, should they so desire, follow the O9A Seven Fold Way, establish an independent O9A nexion or presence the ethos of the O9A through music and art or by other means.
Sufficient has also been written to counter the anti-O9A propaganda and silly allegations that modern self-described – mostly Levey inspired – ‘satanists’ and mundane others have spewed forth for decades and no doubt will continue to spew forth by means of various mediums.
All that those interested in the O9A, or interested in understanding the O9A, need for them to begin to appreciate the O9A in esoteric context – that is, sans polemics and propaganda, both O9A and anti-O9A – are the following five, brief, introductory guides all of which are available as gratis open access (pdf) documents:
Practical Guide To The Seven Fold Way
The Exoteric And Esoteric Reality Of The O9A
Classifying O9A Texts
Quintessence Of The Order Of Nine Angles
O9A Occult Fiction
T.W.S. Nexion
May 2018 ev
{1} Letter to Michael Aquino, dated 20th October 1990 ev. The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown. Volume 1. Thormynd Press, 1992.
{2} Monette, Connell. Mysticism in the 21st Century. 2013. Sirius Academic Press. p.89
{3} Phase III of the sinister strategy of the O9A is evident
(i) in “a burgeoning esoteric [O9A inspired] culture of which clandestine O9A nexions are a part,”
(ii) in those clandestine O9A nexions returning to the tradition of personal covert recruitment and the practical testing of new Initiates which testing includes culling,
(iii) in each O9A person, nexion, group, or cell, freely developing their own interpretation of everything O9A, because they are “free to develop and change everything O9A, [since] there is no authority above the individual, or beyond each group or collective of groups. No leader, no outer (or inner) representative, no council, no old guard, who can make pronouncements about or declare what is or is not correct. No official or genuine O9A; no heresy; no proscription of individuals or groups. Furthermore, no consensus is necessary or required among those who are or who associate with the O9A, although naturally a particular O9A nexion may have or arrive at a particular internal consensus and thus presence a particular interpretation of matters O9A,”
(iv) in “each O9A person, nexion, group, or cell, [using] their own judgement in respect of what they do; in how they, individually and/or as part of an O9A nexion, presence the dark and manifest the sinister in practical ways,”
(v) in the retirement of “Anton Long”.
{4} Examples of such recent Presencing “Of The Sinister” (valid as of May 2018 ev) include but are not limited to the following:
§ the availability of gratis open access digital texts such as (a) the 1460 page seventh edition of Guide To The Order of Nine Angles: Theory and Praxises (external link), and (b) its companion work the 159 page The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The O9A (pdf),
§ the availability of printed versions of classic ONA texts included in books such as (a) The Sinister Tradition, ISBN 978-1479324613, (b) Hostia: Secret Teachings of the ONA, ISBN 978-1493633906, and (c) Sinister Tales, ISBN 978-1479305636,
§ the active and traditional Italian Secuntra nexion, who have published two books – (a) Corpus Secuntra, Telos, ISBN 978-1981879342, and ISBN 978-1545074497, and (b) Satanica Eresia – Una Guida al Satanismo, ISBN 978-1986070034 – and also recorded some O9A chants,
§ the Deathwave Nexion who have produced recordings by O9A-inspired musicians such as Hvile I Kaos which band had a successful public concert in 2018 at a venue in Long Beach California,
§ the release of ‘sinisterly-numinous’ recordings by the Deverills Nexion,
§ the Finnish Black Metal record label The Sinister Flame, and groups such as Altar of Perversion,
§ the MMP Temple record label,
§ the Tempel ov Blood,
§ the Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est book of Tarot images by Richard Moult,
§ the O9A inspiring some members of some politically active National Socialist groups.
§ And so on and so on…
Posted: June 15th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Jake Hanrahan, Massimo Introvigne, Satanism, The Sinister-Numinous Way | Comments Off on Another Journalist Misunderstands The O9A
One of the investigative journalists who earlier this year wrote about the neo-nazi group AtomWaffen Division {1} has revealed – through messages posted on “Twitter” – what appears to be a basic lack of understanding of the O9A despite having claimed that he has studied the O9A for quite some time. His earlier “tweets†about a possible connection between AtomWaffen Division (AWD) and the O9A may well have led to journalist Kelly Weill publishing an article in The Daily Beast about links between AWD and the O9A.
The journalist in question is Jake Hanrahan who, in his latest tweets about the O9A, referenced an article on a website and which website states that it represents an O9A nexion.
In those “tweets” Hanrahan appears to assume that what is written on the website in regard to Mr Myatt is some sort of “official statement” by the O9A whereas – as Anton Long and many others have stated time and time again – no one person, no one O9A nexion, no collocations of O9A nexions, can ever speak or write “on behalf of the O9A” since the fundamental O9A principle of the authority of individual judgment means that the O9A does not have, never has had, and never will have an “official policy” about anything, and never has, and never will make “official statements” about anything. {2}
All any person or group associating themselves with the sub-culture that is the O9A {3} can do is present their personal opinion and/or their personal interpretation of matters O9A and otherwise.
Hanrahan thus seems to repeat the error made by the likes of Massimo Introvigne which is the fallacy of Illicit Transference {4}.
That journalists, academics, and others – in respect of the O9A – continue to commit the fallacy of Illicit Transference by ignoring one of the fundamental principles of the esoteric philosophy of the O9A is proof of just how limited their research into the O9A is, has been, and continues to be.
In regard to how people associating themselves with the O9A regard Mr David Myatt, journalists, academics, and others should read the book A Modern Mysterium {5} and the article Decoding The Life Of Myatt {6}. They will find a diversity of opinion, which diversity is in accord with the O9A principle of the authority of individual judgment.
TWS Nexion
June 2018 ev
{1} For an overview see
{2} The matter is outlined, with references to the relevant O9A texts, in the article referenced at {1} and also in the article at
{3} As Professor Monette explained, the O9A is “not a structured lodge or temple, but rather a movement, a subculture or perhaps metaculture that its adherents choose to embody or identify with.” Monette, Connell. Mysticism in the 21st Century. Sirius Academic Press. 2013, p.89.
{4} Scott, Kerri. The Authority Of Individual Judgment And The Fallacy Of Illicit Transference, in The Peculiar Matter Of Myatt And Long, 2018, e-text. The essay is included in the compilation A Modern Mysterium: The Enigma of Myatt And The O9A, see {5} below.
{5} Available as a gratis open access (pdf) file at [accessed June 2018]
Article source: