Posted: November 12th, 2024 | Author: Brett Stevens | Filed under: O9A | Tags: Culling, eugenics, purge, ritual, sacrifice, thin the herd | Comments Off on Five Easy Methods For Culling on A Suburban Budget

While Satanists are basically atheists who reject Abrahamic morality, Luciferians combine the old pagan gods into a Prometheus/Lucifer figure and make sacrifices to honor the morality of strength over weakness. These including “culling” of the weak, but it does not need to break the bank!
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Posted: September 28th, 2023 | Author: Brett Stevens | Filed under: O9A | Tags: Culling, murder, O9A, transgression | Comments Off on Transgression

As usual, the O9A finds itself the focus on some rather nasty media commentary because this is a belief system and not a conventional “group” designed to sign up members, make money, and become codependent on raving and raging media headlines:
A post on another of Almeida’s alleged Instagram profiles showed him posing with ammunition strapped to his chest, in front of a black flag bearing the logo of the Order of Nine Angels (O9A), which prosecutors described as “a worldwide Satanist … group which embraces elements of neo-Nazism and white supremacy.”
When authorities searched Almeida’s home, they allegedly found hundreds of files containing child sex abuse material on four different devices — as well as books related to O9A and Satanism, according to court documents.
They also found a “blood covenant,” an O9A drawing of a hooded figure surrounded by the group’s symbols and smeared with what appears to be blood, the filings state.
Let us clarify this: the O9A is a religious movement, which is a type of philosophy, which means that we do not have “membership” per se nor do we approve of people who claim to be part of the O9A or participate in our rituals.
We understand the esoteric nature of the world which means that each person walks a different path, to some degree experiences a different reality, and can see more of what is real the more they learn, which is dependent also on character and intelligence.
Unlike exoteric belief systems which follow the bureaucratic model where everyone swears allegiance to some written text and are then presumed to be faceless NPCs carrying out the will of the organization behind the belief system, ours is an individual pursuit of clarity and sanity.
In that process, those of us familiar with the philosophy tend to advocate transgression, or violating the social constraints on certain methods in order to program us to be obedient cultists of modernity. Instead of “thou shalt not kill” you get “it depends.”
We recognize that life is a case-by-case basis. If someone kills an incompetent, parasite, idiot, retard, criminal, pervert, or promiscuous person, that represents higher genetic fitness for the group and therefore is a victory by the lights of both Darwinism and morality.
Some will take this to places that would not work for me. Involvement of children has no relevance to my quest, nor does any type of incel ideation. This is not because I disapprove of or are offended by these ideas, but because my quest does not involve them, at all.
As usual, the forces that be want to defame the O9A for saying out loud what the inner selves of the intelligent all affirm, which is that human life is not equally valuable nor are people equally competent. The strong must eat the weak so that all are stronger.
We suggest that the writers of this piece (a) acknowledge what an esoteric religious movement is vis-a-vis a membership-based political movement, (b) look into those black metal bands on the hats and shirts worn by this person, and (c) consider the difference between Satanism and Luciferianism.
As Luciferians, we believe in the bringing of light through pain. We oppose The Enlightenment™ as the usual false bourgeois version of a good thing, but seek understanding of the world and its works as a means of accumulating mental and physical power to shape the future.
We recognize that we live in a rotted world — falling just like Rome, Athens, and the Soviet Union — and its rules are designed to make us support it. They ban all methods except those that lead to approved thought, which results in egalitarian rules.
For example, a sane society would admit that some murders at least are not justified per se but are beneficial. If you kill a bad person, the goodness in the world increases, especially since they will not kill, molest, injure, or traumatize any good people from that point forward.
Our Sacrament of Culling addresses this issue. Removing less capable people from the world makes a next generation stronger. Unlike in human society, where the weak eat the strong, in nature the strong eat the weak, and this is the order to which we aspire.
Posted: July 23rd, 2014 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, Sinister Japes, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Culling, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Guides, Occultism, Omega9Alpha, Opfer, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Categorizing The Order Of Nine Angles
Categorizing The Order Of Nine Angles
Hitherto, the controversial occultism of the Order Of Nine Angles (O9A/ONA) has generally been categorized by academics and others as satanist and/or as Left Hand Path. Thus, the O9A has been described both as representing “a dangerous and extreme form of Satanism” and as presenting “a recognizable new interpretation of Satanism and the Left Hand Path”.
The O9A themselves, as noted by Senholt, have often described themselves as part of what they term the ‘sinister tradition’ and, in the 1980s and 1990s, as ‘traditional satanists’, with Senholt writing that this ‘sinister tradition’ they established makes the O9A “distinct from existing Left Hand Path and satanic groups” but still within the Left Hand Path and satanic milieu. Senholt enumerates seven distinct characteristics of this ‘sinister tradition’, which include anti-ethics, emphasis on physical training, direct action, distinct sinister vocabulary, and a non-Semitic tradition.
Furthermore, both Goodrick-Clarke and Monette note that the O9A also has some pagan elements, with Monette writing that the O9A is “a fascinating blend of both Hermeticism and Traditional Satanism, with some pagan elements.”
However, it is my contention that the O9A should be placed in a new occult category described by the term the sinisterly-numinous tradition, and which tradition is distinct from both the satanic and the Left Hand Path traditions.