Posted: October 9th, 2023 | Author: Brett Stevens | Filed under: Nihilism | Tags: ends-over-means, intentions-based morality, means-over-ends, morality, Nihilism, Paganism, realism, results-based morality | Comments Off on All In Satan

We need, at some point, to talk about morality. Morality means the rules that guide you for the sake of things other than yourself. Some like a morality based in the results of our actions, and others like a morality based in our intentions.
Intentions do not equal reality, however, and many of us hold that because of that disparity, a morality of intentions often leads to its opposite in reality. For example, rent control was meant to keep prices low, but instead created slums and new, more expensive luxury housing.
In another example, making narcotics illegal caused them to be valuable, which created an economy around them which soon eclipsed any enforcement efforts. Attempts to ban pornographic books have merely turned them into contraband and ensured their survival.
We can see other examples too. Making certain kinds of securities highly regulated caused the market to pursue new types that were not so easily restrained. Making religious dogma canon caused fragmentation in the church.
Thus we see how intention-based morality tends to invert itself. It tries to stop an effect as if it were a cause, but the cause remains, so the effect takes a new form in a type of psychological torment like the old game Whack-a-Mole.
Results-based morality tends to work as a filter. You reward the landlords who provide quality housing at low cost by granting them new privileges. You hire the people who are not on drugs. You socially promote the people who do not have pornographic books.
Even more, this tends toward ends-over-means, or the spirit of the law above the letter of the law. If a securities firm aims toward ethical trading, it becomes trusted and endures. If religion has a purpose, all sects eventually come together on a shared core belief.
In other words, in results-based morality we submit to reality instead of humanity. We look toward having a goal that joins us with reality in a sense of purpose and a recognition of our minimal status as animals adapting to our environment.
To a results-based moralist, only results-based morality is moral because it affects the lives of people, nature, and the fragile order that makes a civilization. Intentions do not matter because they do not directly influence people, but results sure do!
This means that to a results-based moralist, we do not need to like what we discover or think that other people will applaud it. It is what it is. Reality is bigger than us and we exist by its rules, not the other way around.
Luciferians branch off from mainstream religion because we believe in results-based morality and therefore, are not willing to assign humanity the highest position in reality. Our view is what was normal until the Abrahamic religions took over with their intentions-based morality.
In the pagan view, nature and the divine are parallel, if not of the same substance. They act the same way. Humans are a small part, and what matters is making those humans survive in physical reality and grow in spiritual and mental strength.
The individualism — me first above all else — of the intentions-based moralists on the other hand diverges from nature. It posits that the divine uses an entirely different ruleset, and as a result physical reality is less important than the feelings of meaning from religion.
At an extreme level, individuals in the grip of this pathology live only to die for the promise of Heaven after death. The Satanist says that what happens after life is much like life, so there is no great sorting into “good” and “evil,” only continued adaptation to a new realm.
For pagans, all things existed in parallel. Many seed would fall, some would germinate, and only some would survive, but if each seed was a parallel, they knew that some seeds would make it to full plants. This meant an order beyond the visible.
In their view, all things had a purpose, but not all things would survive. The best would carry on and, because they were parallels, would carry on the spirit and essence of whatever their type was. If you have some seeds sprout, you have plants in the future.
When read in the context of their original writings, most religions in fact embrace this order beneath reality that parallels reality:
The original scriptures of most religions are poetical and unsystematic. Theology, which generally takes the form of a reasoned commentary on the parables and aphorisms of the scriptures, tends to make its appearance at a later stage of religious history. The Bhagavad-Gita occupies an intermediate position between scripture and theology; for it combines the poetical qualities of the first with the clear-cut methodicalness of the second. The book may be described, writes Ananda K. Coomaraswamy in his admirable Hinduism and Buddhism, “as a compendium of the whole Vedic doctrine to be found in the earlier Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanishads, and being therefore the basis of all the later developments, it can be regarded as the focus of all Indian religion” is also one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the Perennial Philosophy ever to have been made. Hence its enduring value, not only for Indians, but for all mankind.
At the core of the Perennial Philosophy we find four fundamental doctrines.
- The phenomenal world of matter and of individualized consciousness — the world of things and animals and men and even gods — is the manifestation of a Divine Ground within which all partial realities have their being, and apart from which they would be non-existent.
- Human beings are capable not merely of knowing about the Divine Ground by inference; they can also realize its existence by a direct intuition, superior to discursive reasoning. This immediate knowledge unites the knower with that which is known.
- Man possesses a double nature, a phenomenal ego and an eternal Self, which is the inner man, the spirit, the spark of divinity within the soul. It is possible for a man, if he so desires, to identify himself with the spirit and therefore with the Divine Ground, which is of the same or like nature with the spirit.
- Man’s life on earth has only one end and purpose: to identify himself with his eternal Self and so to come to unitive knowledge of the Divine Ground.
In Hinduism the first of these four doctrines is stated in the most categorical terms. The Divine Ground is Brahman, whose creative, sustaining and transforming aspects are manifested the Hindu trinity. A hierarchy of manifestations connects inanimate matter with man, gods, High Gods, and the undifferentiated Godhead beyond.
In Mahayana Buddhism the Divine Ground is called Mind or the Pure Light of the Void, the place of the High Gods is taken by the Dhyani-Buddhas.
Similar conceptions are perfectly compatible with Christianity and have in fact been entertained, explicitly or implicitly, by many Catholic and Protestant mystics, when formulating a philosophy to fit facts observed by super-rational intuition. Thus, for Eckhart and Ruysbroeck, there is an Abyss of Godhead underlying the Trinity, just as Brahman underlies Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Our work at the O9A consists of identifying the patterns of reality because in those we can read the divine, at least as far as our puny hairy little human brains allow us. We are basically really smart mice with opposable thumbs.
Heaven in this view is not a place we go to for obedience to morality, but our origin and destination, an amoral place like nature where we will struggle to come to know ourselves just as we do here.
When one embarks on a Left Hand Path, it is to cast aside morality of “good” and “evil” — these are intentions and judgments — for a morality of results. We are concerned with what works, not what people think about it, especially most people because they are blockheads.
We try not to be “offended” by what we discover, because offense is self-reducing like nihilism, meaning that once one embarks down that path, it will eventually turn on itself through inversion and come to mean something quite plain.
For example, a nihilist who starts out believing in nothing will eventually find that he has beliefs, opinions, and most of all, preferences. He has theories about how the world works and wants to test them. There is meaning, but not universal meaning; it is his alone.
Our society is so screwed up and brain damaged that common sense based on observing reality is anathematized, and people instead live in a consensual symbolic hallucination based on tokens of good and bad in terms of intention and method.
If you wonder why your society cannot seem to make any complex decision well, is overrun with various freaks and geeks betraying high mutation load, pursues an anti-culture of base hedonism, and self-destructs in pursuit of ideology, this is what you are seeing.
Satanism is realism, and from its metaphysical counterpart, Luciferianism, comes the Perennial Philosophy in a new form: the divine acts like nature, so the divine also has natural selection, and rewards competence while punishing incompetence.
This contradicts what you are taught in the Abrahamic religions which are based on bourgeois commercial reality, or the idea that we all exist as individualists advancing ourselves and nothing else is important, least of all shared things like culture, nature, civilization, and the divine.
We may not like what we have come to know as true, but this does not matter because we are not in the realm of intentions. We are in the world of what works versus what does not. “Good” and “evil” are just method-based categories for those.
Like many things, this is an esoteric path. It starts out baffling but as it comes to make more sense, new doors open. Souls are unequal; this varies with the ability, focus, and gumption of the person involved.
Those who stand against divergence of the divine and the physical assert that their way is a “higher” morality, but there can be no goodness in that which produces bad results and makes people suffer like Abrahamic religions, egalitarianism, and consumerism.
Ultimately humanity breaks down into two groups: those who see the purpose of life in life itself, and those who do not and substitute for it with a world of human judgments, emotions, and importance.
We stand against history, which for centuries has been headed toward civilization collapse, and for a positive future in which humanity overcomes its neurosis, its pathology of peer pressure, and the ideologies and religions which lead us into self-destruction.
This requires confronting some notions which are very taboo now, but were not so in saner times.
You will probably hear from many sources about how we are Nazis, jihadists, eugenicists, elitists, racists, and other nasty terms. All this means is that we recognize that reality is inherently unequal for a reason.
If the divine and nature are parallel, inequality is holy and equality is an artificial human pretense, a vanity that like all vanities leads us to deny what is real and pursue what is symbolic but unreal, to the ruin of all.
To escape the artificial, we must first accept that reality is more important than human feelings, and next, start discovering how to see the purpose of life in life itself. If the divine and nature are parallel, then there is a purpose to everything.
That requires we accept a very ancient concept, destiny. This means that we are born unequal, and some rise above others as a result of their abilities and inclinations, and we all benefit from having their leadership and competence.
We are far beyond what the worst bogeymen of humanity like Hitler could envision. We want the law of Darwin to apply to our thoughts, actions, and bodies. We want to refine ourselves as nature refines itself to be excellent, not tolerant, fat, oblivious, and selfish.
Once you get beyond the boundaries of intentions-based morality, it becomes clear that humanity is in a death spiral and needs to change its thinking to escape. We are that change. Right now, it will scare you, but as time goes on, its wisdom will become clearer.