More Fake News About The O9A

Posted: April 15th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on More Fake News About The O9A


Fake News About The O9A:
One More Example Among Many

We know how many people – especially journalists and anti-fascists – do not like to have their allegations and personal opinions about the O9A and about Myatt challenged in public.

In a recent example, someone posted a reply to journalist Jake Hanrahan via his “twitter” social media account questioning his assumptions about Myatt being Anton Long. The person was immediately blocked by Hanrahan from posting further replies and the reply was deleted. {1}

In his recent “podcast” about the O9A, and via his “twitter” social media account, Hanrahan makes assumptions and allegations about the O9A and about Myatt, and propagates the assumptions and allegations of others, but does not provide any actual evidence from primary sources, nothing probative, to support his and their assumptions and allegations.

He claims to have researched the “neo-nazi” O9A for years and yet does not seem to know what the O9A actually is – an Occult subculture, not a group with “members” – and does not seen to know that the O9A regard National Socialism as just one useful learning experience for some of those in the beginning of their decades long Occult quest. {2}

He also has no response to the O9A rebuttals of the “fake news” pedaled by the “Hate Not Hope” group {3} and by the anonymous author of an article on the Quietus website. {4}

He claims that Myatt=Long yet appears not to have read Myatt’s books about rejecting extremism {5} and has made no comment on Myatt’s compassionate philosophy of pathei-mathos. {6} If he has read them, then does he believe – along with those at the “Hate Not Hope” group – that Myatt’s rejection of extremism and his philosophy of pathei-mathos are fakery, the works of some master Trickster? If so, what has he that is probative to support such a belief? Apparently nothing. He has only assumptions, hearsay, rumours, and his own personal opinion based, it seems, on a lack of knowledge of what the O9A actually is.

It thus seems that he is either someone arrogantly sure that their opinion is right, or that he – like the “Hate Not Hope” group – is employing the Big Lie technique where a lie – or several lies – is or are repeated so often by so many and by various means that a large proportion of people accept the lie or lies as fact even though nothing probative – no evidence based on primary sources – is ever presented. {7}{8}

Therefore we challenge this journalist to debate with us via an e-mail account known to the author of the Quietus article and to the TV company Expectation Factual who were planning a documentary about David Copeland in which they would make mention of Myatt.

If Hanrahan does manage to find – as an investigative journalist should – that e-mail address and correspond with us then we shall publish, in full, his messages and our replies.

If he deigns not to correspond with us then we, and the Occult cognoscenti, will draw two logical conclusions.

April 2020 ev

{1} For more about Hanrahan see
See also
{5} See for example (i) and (ii)


Another Journalist Misunderstands The O9A

Posted: June 15th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Another Journalist Misunderstands The O9A


One of the investigative journalists who earlier this year wrote about the neo-nazi group AtomWaffen Division {1} has revealed – through messages posted on “Twitter” – what appears to be a basic lack of understanding of the O9A despite having claimed that he has studied the O9A for quite some time. His earlier “tweets” about a possible connection between AtomWaffen Division (AWD) and the O9A may well have led to journalist Kelly Weill publishing an article in The Daily Beast about links between AWD and the O9A.

The journalist in question is Jake Hanrahan who, in his latest tweets about the O9A, referenced an article on a website and which website states that it represents an O9A nexion.

In those “tweets” Hanrahan appears to assume that what is written on the website in regard to Mr Myatt is some sort of “official statement” by the O9A whereas – as Anton Long and many others have stated time and time again – no one person, no one O9A nexion, no collocations of O9A nexions, can ever speak or write “on behalf of the O9A” since the fundamental O9A principle of the authority of individual judgment means that the O9A does not have, never has had, and never will have an “official policy” about anything, and never has, and never will make “official statements” about anything. {2}

All any person or group associating themselves with the sub-culture that is the O9A {3} can do is present their personal opinion and/or their personal interpretation of matters O9A and otherwise.

Hanrahan thus seems to repeat the error made by the likes of Massimo Introvigne which is the fallacy of Illicit Transference {4}.

That journalists, academics, and others – in respect of the O9A – continue to commit the fallacy of Illicit Transference by ignoring one of the fundamental principles of the esoteric philosophy of the O9A is proof of just how limited their research into the O9A is, has been, and continues to be.

In regard to how people associating themselves with the O9A regard Mr David Myatt, journalists, academics, and others should read the book A Modern Mysterium {5} and the article Decoding The Life Of Myatt {6}. They will find a diversity of opinion, which diversity is in accord with the O9A principle of the authority of individual judgment.

TWS Nexion
June 2018 ev

{1} For an overview see

{2} The matter is outlined, with references to the relevant O9A texts, in the article referenced at {1} and also in the article at

{3} As Professor Monette explained, the O9A is “not a structured lodge or temple, but rather a movement, a subculture or perhaps metaculture that its adherents choose to embody or identify with.” Monette, Connell. Mysticism in the 21st Century. Sirius Academic Press. 2013, p.89.

{4} Scott, Kerri. The Authority Of Individual Judgment And The Fallacy Of Illicit Transference, in The Peculiar Matter Of Myatt And Long, 2018, e-text. The essay is included in the compilation A Modern Mysterium: The Enigma of Myatt And The O9A, see {5} below.

{5} Available as a gratis open access (pdf) file at [accessed June 2018]



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