Posted: August 26th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Acausal Theory, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Baeldraca, Feond, Internal Adept, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, Occultism, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Paganism, Seven Fold Way, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on O9A: Baeldraca
Order of Nine Angles: Baeldraca
This 105 page collection of post-2012 Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA, ω9α) texts is a companion volume to the Feond compilation {1} and thus like that compilation is intended for (i) those who have an interest in learning about an esoteric tradition with roots in Greco-Roman culture, Hellenistic mysticism, and Renaissance Occultism, and/or (ii) those curious about the Occult philosophy and praxis of the O9A, and/or (iii) those who are already associated with the O9A movement and who aspire to, or have already achieved, the O9A grade of Internal Adept on the O9A Seven Fold Way.
In addition, the esoteric knowledge contained in the diverse O9A texts included in this book can provide a means for the O9A initiate to overcome some of the perils they may encounter during the early stages of the O9A Seven Fold Way.
TWS Nexion
August 2019 ev
{1} Available both as a gratis pdf download – at Feond (pdf) – and as a printed book: Feond: Order Of Nine Angles – Toward Internal Adept, 2019, ISBN 978-1687255624.
° Preface
° Historical Origins Of The Septenary System Of The O9A
           ° Introduction: The Physis Sorcery of Naos.
° Physis, The Corpus Hermeticum, And The Ancient Hermetic Quest For Immortality.
° The Seven-Fold Way And Acausality.
° Arabic And Alchemical Influences.
° The Complete Seven-Fold Way
° The Rite Of The Abyss and Beyond
° Conclusion: The O9A In Esoteric Perspective.
° Alchemy And The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition
° Explaining The Acausal: A Metaphysical Theory
° The Pagan Mysticism Of The O9A
° O9A Esotericism: An Initiated Apprehension
° A Note Regarding Kitab al-Aflak
° The Adeptus Way and The Sinisterly-Numinous
° Azoth: Western Alchemy And The Seven Fold Way
° On The Anti-Patriarchal O9A Ethos
° On Native Egyptian Influence In The Corpus Hermeticum
° Flavius Josephus: Unreliable Witness
° Authority, Learning, and Culture, In O9A Tradition
° The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation And Meaning
° The Septenary Anados and Life After Death
° Appendix I: Illustrations
° Appendix II: Two Esoteric Chants
° Appendix III: Of Star Gates And Nexions
° Appendix IV: The Acausal And ὠθεός
° Appendix V: A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms
Posted: August 23rd, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Internal Adept, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, Occultism, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Paganism, Seven Fold Way, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Feond
A new 110 page book titled Feond containing some of the more arcane post-2011 (ev) O9A texts has been published and is available both as a gratis open access (pdf) document and as a printed book.
Feond is an old Anglo-Saxon word – variously meaning “fiend” or “devil” or “foe” or “an enemy” – and is appropriate given how the O9A is often perceived by other Occultists and by the mainstream media.
The target audience of the book are those who have an interest in learning about a (non-Magian) Western esoteric tradition with roots in Greco-Roman culture, Hellenistic mysticism, and Renaissance Occultism, and/or those who are already associated with the O9A movement and who aspire to, or have already achieved, the O9A grade of Internal Adept.
Feond. Toward Internal Adept
Rachael Stirling, Feond: Order Of Nine Angles – Toward Internal Adept
, ISBN-13: 978-1687255624.
° Preface
° O9A 101
° The Esoteric Learning Presenced Through Pathei-Mathos
° The Seven Fold Way Of The Order Of Nine Angles:
I. The Seven Stages
II. Insight Roles
III. Grade Rituals
IV. The Septenary System
V. Self-Initiation
VI. The Rounwytha Option
VII. An O9A Occult Rite
° The Deofel Quintet
° Labyrinthos Mythologicus
° The Tree Of Wyrd And The Star Game
° The Aesthetic Of The O9A
° The Avenging Alastoras
° The Numinous, Empathy, And The O9A
° The Nine Angles And Acausal Energy
° Appreciating καλὸς κἀγαθός and the O9A
° Mimesis, Sinister Sorcery, And Anglicized Names
° Archaic Spelling In O9A Esoteric Tradition
° Western Pagan Curses And Invocations
° Notes On The Corpus Hermeticum
° Non-English Names And Terms In O9A Tradition
° The O9A Art Of Shrenching
° The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A
° De Vita Coelitus Comparanda
° Esoteric Note On The Somnium Scipionis Of Cicero
° Esoteric Calender Dates and Aural Traditions
° Sorcery In Virgil’s Aeneid
° Baphomet – An Esoteric Signification
° Appendix: The Geryne of Satan
Posted: August 26th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Richard Moult, Tarot Archetypes, Tarot Cards, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Ancient Pagan Traditions, Ancient Paganism, Archetypes, Hermeticism, Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Richard Moult, Seven Fold Way, Tarot, Tarot Cards, The Hermetic Tradition, The Sinister-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on The Emissary

New Tarot image, from the Minor Arcana of Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est, a book of Tarot archetypes by Richard Moult.
Posted: June 30th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Inner ONA, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, O9A OG, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way, Tarot | Comments Off on Atu XVII – The Star

Richard Moult has released the latest image in his Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est Tarot pack. As with his previous image Atu III, his Atu XVII image – under the subheading Nihil est divino divinius, caelesti caelestius – uniquely presences the sinisterly-numinous aesthetic and thus the sinisterly-numinous esoteric tradition.
Image source:
Posted: May 28th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, Occult Initiation, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way | Comments Off on Labyrinthos Mythologicus: Such A Confusion
A perspicacious comment about the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A), requiring no comment from the likes of “us”.
{begin quotation}
Such a confusion in great numbers is one of the stated purposes of the Labyrinthos Mythologicus, and it is what makes it inherently elitist at every level. That is to say, it is not elitist because it brags or because there is an authority denying entry, but because it asks from the practitioner a wide variety of abilities, at least in potential, and the willingness to develop them through hard work. Some of these are stated explicitly, and others are required by the sheer complexity or lack of explanations of certain things, which end up pushing the seriously interested practitioner to find ways, bridge gaps, interpret and discover his own unique way. Being unable to do so, either out of incompetence or mental intransigence, is to be culled by the design of the ONA or to be culled out of the loop by one’s own mediocrity, incapacity or emotional blockage and blinding (often the case among clever occultists).
From its inception, the Seven-Fold Way was intended to see most fail, to see most crumble under pressure, by a reluctance to try again, by carelessness leading to mental or physical injury or destruction. It should be clear to any objective and intelligent student of the materials (not to speak to a practitioner, I presume) that personal discernment is the foremost of all ONA requirements, once a holistic and balanced view of its rather wide assortment of ideas throughout the decades has been at least partially digested. To even suggest that the failure of many (most?) ONA would-be initiates is a sign of failure of the system, or to suppose that the bickering between ONA-inspired/derived groups implies an alarming state of affairs threatening to take it down, is to not to be able to see beyond the proverbial nose.
Praefuscus Ferrum
{end quotation}
Posted: April 28th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Insight Roles, Internal Adept, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, Occult Initiation, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way | Comments Off on O9A Primary Sources
O9A Primary Sources
The primary sources detailed in the above text are recommended reading for those – academics or otherwise – who seek to understand the Order of Nine Angles and its place in contemporary Western esotericism. All the texts are freely available (usually as pdf documents) with the internet links given in the text valid as of April 2017 ev.
Posted: April 18th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, David Myatt, Insight Roles, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, Occult Initiation, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way | Comments Off on The O9A And Academia
The O9A, Myatt, And Academia
§ Preface
§ I. The Occult And Academia
§ II. More Academic Inaccuracies
§ III. Concerning Primary O9A Sources
§ IV. Michael Aquino And David Myatt
§ V. The Logical Fallacy of Incomplete Evidence – A Case Study
Five items concerning academic books or essays which have made reference to the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) and/or to Myatt based on the assumption that he is ‘Anton Long’. The first three items deal with the shoddy nature of academic research regarding the O9A and Myatt given that none of the academic authors (i) accessed and referenced primary sources relating to Myatt, nor (ii) undertook detailed research into the O9A by studying the whole O9A corpus.
The two other items are primary sources relating to Myatt, contradicting as they do the claims made in the aforementioned academic books and essays.
Posted: March 13th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Insight Roles, Internal Adept, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, Occult Initiation, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way | Comments Off on Some O9A Septenary Correspondences
Selected O9A Septenary Correspondences
Posted: March 12th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Insight Roles, Internal Adept, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, Occult Initiation, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way | Comments Off on O9A Seven Fold Way – A Modern Practical Guide
O9A Seven Fold Way – A Modern Practical Guide
I. The Seven Stages
II. Insight Roles
III. Grade Rituals
IV. The Septenary System
V. Self-Initiation
VI. The Rounwytha Option
VII. An O9A Occult Rite
The five fundamental principles of the Seven-Fold Way (7FW) of the Order of Nine Angles are, as described in the above text,
(i) That the 7FW is an individual undertaking – and individual quest, or anados – and one which often takes a decade or more to complete. That is, success or failure is down to the individual; down to their determination, their self-honesty, their willingness to undertake certain experiences, and their ability to learn from their failures, their mistakes, and from their triumphs;
(ii) that both esoteric philosophy – O9A or otherwise – and everything written about the O9A by either Anton Long or by others, is/are irrelevant in comparison to what the individual learns and discovers for themselves by following the 7FW;
(iii) that the 7FW is not an Occult ‘Right Hand Path’ nor an Occult ‘Left Hand Path’ nor even ‘satanist’, but rather a means for the individual to develop their own unique weltanschauung and one which enables them to transcend such labels and categories;
(iv) that the 7FW is only one (fairly recent) Occult tradition and praxis among thousands (ancient and modern) and does not make any claims about being superior to or better than or more ancient than any other Occult tradition and praxis, stating only that it has been proved over decades to work, for some;
(v) that the goal is the discovery, by the individual, of what anciently was termed Lapis Philosophicus: that is, wisdom, which implies not only the standard dictionary definition of wisdom – “a balanced personal judgement; having discernment” – but also the ancient sense of (a) having certain knowledge of a pagan, Occult, kind to do with livings beings, human nature, and (b) an understanding of ourselves, of our relation to the world, to Nature, and to the Cosmos beyond.
In addition, nothing about the 7FW is dogmatic or fixed. What is suggested here – such as various Insight Roles – are guides, and suggested because they have been shown, by experience over decades, to work in respect of practical learning both personal and Occult and thus in respect of enabling the attainment of wisdom. The individual is free to modify and/or evolve such suggestions as have been made.
[end quote]
Posted: February 16th, 2017 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Heretical Texts, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anarchy, Anton Long, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, O9A Mythos, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Aristocracy, Anarchy, or Nihilism?
The Continuing Internal O9A Debate
Aristocracy, Anarchy, or Nihilism?
The O9A And Anarchy