Posted: April 29th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: David Myatt, Hope Not Hate, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Mythos, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinisterly-Numinous, The Sinister-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Exposing Ignorance About The O9A
An Ignorance Regarding The O9A
A Modern Orthodoxy
In the past year (2018-2019) the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A) has received unprecedented coverage in the mainstream Media leading to an unprecedented mention of the O9A on various internet forums and blogs.
This coverage has a common denominator: from the coverage in 2018 in America and elsewhere of the alleged link between the O9A and the American neo-nazi group AtomWaffen Division {1} to an article about the O9A on a popular youth-orientated on-line music site {2} to the recent report issued by the political, left-wing, pressure group misnaming itself as “hope not hate” {3} to coverage of that report in mainstream British newspapers such as The Independent, The Sun, The Guardian, and The Daily Telegraph, all of which newspapers made mention of the O9A.
The common denominator is the alleged neo-nazi and satanist raison d’être of the O9A and which raison d’être allegedly involves members infiltrating and manipulating “extremist right-wing” groups in order to disrupt society and which disruption is, so the Media state, apparently masterminded by a certain Mr Myatt.
Which reveals a complete – although not unexpected – ignorance and misunderstanding of the O9A, which misunderstanding could be either propagandistic and thus deliberate, and/or be due to the nature of modern mainstream Media and the nature of the internet. Which nature is to be superficial, populist, unscholarly, quick to judge, opinionated, presumptive, and often arrogant. Which nature was and is revealed, for instance, in two things.
First, in how long-established mainstream newspapers such as The Independent and The Daily Telegraph and The Sun printed stories about the O9A without getting their journalists to do their own detailed research and thus check the facts {3} with the result being that they simply reprinted – to a wider audience – the propaganda and disinformation, the “fake news”, of a political, left-wing, pressure group.
Second, in how so many people immediately believed and spread – often via the internet – what the newspapers and such a pressure group wrote, said, and published about the O9A and about Mr Myatt.
It was as if an orthodoxy about the O9A and about Mr Myatt had been created and was being upheld, with this orthodox, populist, interpretation unchallenged in the mainstream Media, unchallenged via the medium of the internet, and even unchallenged by those who pride and who preen themselves on being antinomian in respect of modern Occultism.
As mentioned, all this was not unexpected, given the nature of modern Western societies, the nature of mass Media (including the social media of the internet) and the nature – the physis – of many of the people in modern Western societies: a plebeial physis {4} quite different from the minority who in modern times uphold such principles as are enshrined in codes such as that of the O9A’s code of kindred honour. {5}{6}
The Raison d’être Of The Order Of Nine Angles
The raison d’être of the O9A will be clear to those who have undertaken a basic study of O9A texts, such as all of the following four compilations:
(i) Quintessence Of The O9A, issued in 2018,
(ii) The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles, issued in 2016,
(iii) The Eludent O9A, issued in 2018, and
(iv) A Compilation Of Some Recent O9A Texts, 2017-2019.
Even those who have only read Quintessence Of The O9A and The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles, will understand that the O9A is neither satanist nor neo-nazi nor even of the Western Left Hand Path but instead is concerned with individuals undertaking an often decades-long hermetic anados (ἄνοδος) by which they might discover Lapis Philosophicus and thus acquire wisdom. A practical anados manifest in the O9A Seven Fold Way.
That is, they will appreciate that what the Media focus upon and misinterpret – such as alleged “culling”, insight roles, satanism, alleged neo-nazism, alleged disruption of society, and Occult ceremonial rituals such as those in the O9A Black Book of Satan – are related to only one temporary part of that Seven Fold Way. Which part is that relevant only to an External Adept (stage three of seven) and which part lasts from between a year to around eighteen months after which the individual moves on to other learning experiences.
Thus correctly understood, such “sensationalist things” much hyped by the Media and others, are just a few of the exoteric (practical) and esoteric (Occult) experiences that the O9A assert can produce pathei-mathos, a learning from experience and a step toward wisdom.
Which “sinister” experiences of particular causal forms or abstractions are followed by a moving on to other tasks such as the Rite of Internal Adept where one lives alone in the wilderness for between three to six months, followed by several years of “numinous” experiences, followed by living alone for a lunar month in a cavern or dark cave and which chthonic experience is an enantiodromia where the individual goes to and wordlessly understands The Unity, The Monas, beyond all denotata, all abstractions and all causal forms.
As explained in one of the texts in Quintessence Of The O9A,
“both the LHP (‘the sinister’) and the RHP (‘the numinous’) are themselves causal abstractions – ideations – which hide both our own nature, the nature (the physis) of other living beings, and the nature of Reality itself.
For the O9A provides the individual with an opportunity to develop a perception, an understanding, a knowledge – acquired from a personal experience – beyond causal abstractions/forms and thus beyond denotatum; that is, and for example, beyond the illusion of conflicting/ideated opposites, beyond naming/denoting/words, beyond abstract morality, beyond dogma/ideology, beyond the simple principle of causation, and beyond the simplicity of a posited dialectical process.”
One thing is to be expected, despite this explanation and despise previous explanations of ours. This is that the Media, and the internet-created, orthodoxy regarding the O9A and regarding Mr Myatt {7} will not be challenged by journalists, nor by those who consider themselves to be rational fair-minded human beings, nor by those who pride themselves on being antinomian in respect of modern Occultism.
Indeed, we might expect the Media interpretation of the controversial O9A to become a time-limited cause célèbre given the current focus on “right-wing extremism and terrorism” and on “hate speech” and on already made demands by certain political pressure groups that the police and the security services investigate the O9A with a view to proscribing it as a “terrorist organization”. For example, The Times newspaper, formerly one of the most respected British mainstream newspapers, recently (March 2019) ran an article titled Neo‑Nazis hijack gaming groups to spread hate against Muslims that stated
“a Times reporter went undercover on the gaming platform Discord to infiltrate an invitation-only Satanist neo-Nazi group called The Order of Nine Angles (O9A). The group openly encouraged acts of terrorism and celebrated what was described as esoteric Hitlerism.”
However, another thing might also be expected, possibly because of this explanation of ours and/or because of previous explanations of ours. This is that a few individuals – perhaps two or three a decade – will understand and begin their own quest along the Seven Fold Way, even if or perhaps because the O9A becomes a proscribed organization with its literature banned and blogs such as this removed from the internet.
Which few individuals are all that are required, given the decades and centuries long aims of the Occult movement that is the O9A, and since the O9A, after three decades, has now reached the stage, the phase, where
“we can expand slowly, nefariously, in the traditional manner by the clandestine personal recruitment of suitable people, which in practice means those useful to us individually in our own lives, and potentially or actually useful to our Aeonic aims, and who also possess culture: that is, the four distinguishing marks which are (1) the instinct for disliking rottenness (an instinct toward personal honour), (2) reason, (3) a certain empathy, and (4) a familiarity with the accumulated pathei-mathos of the past few thousand years manifest as this pathei-mathos is in literature, Art, music, memoirs, myths/legends, and a certain knowledge of science and history.” {8}
“one of the purposes of an esoteric group – a nexion – such as the Order of Nine Angles is to aid those associated with it or inspired by it to carry out particular tasks and functions; such as, via their own pathei mathos, discover wisdom (Lapis Philosophicus), develop their own weltanschauung, and thus in some manner contribute (knowingly, purposefully, unknowingly, or otherwise) to the sum total of human esoteric and exoteric pathei-mathos; which contribution may aid our conscious evolution as a species and may bring-into-being or aid the development of new ways of living, and which contribution may also be part of the necessary destructive and adversarial dialectic in respect of existing causal, human-manufactured, forms and dogma.
One means to aid such a discovering and contribution is and has been the structured, the methodical, the traditional, seven-fold way with its melding of exoteric and esoteric experiences.” {8}
TWS nexion
March 2019 ev
{4} “It is requisite the Prince doo bestowe some sort of dignitie, or title vpon the person that is ennobled, to the end he may bee knowne from the Plebeiall people.” William Segar, Booke of Honor & Armes, 1590. The book is currently – March 2019 – available at
{5} The O9A code is described at
{6} The Booke of Honor & Armes, published in 1590, is interesting both in the context of the O9A and in the context of Mr David Myatt.
§ In the context of Myatt, the book is or may be relevant to why and how he challenged several individuals – including two journalists and a member of Combat 18 – to a duel with deadly weapons for spreading lies. For the first chapter of the Booke describes “the nature and types of lies”. In other words, Myatt was upholding an old Western tradition and one which marked the difference, a distinction, between a noble person – such as a British gentleman – and those with a plebeial (plebeian) physis.
As Myatt states in his 2012 text A Matter Of Honour,
“I have never bothered to have recourse to civil law, and established Courts, to sue those making libellous allegations about me quite simply because the only law I believe in and strive to uphold is the law of personal honour. Given that I have challenged two journalists, according to the law of personal honour, to a duel with deadly weapons for making such malicious allegations, and given that they did not have the honour to accept this challenge or issue an apology in lieu of fighting a duel, I consider my honour vindicated and their own dishonourable character proven.”
The other person he challenged to a duel – police informer Wilf Browning – also refused to fight a duel with deadly weapons. See footnote 11 of Myatt’s autobiography Myngath (page 70, depending on the edition).
Regarding Myatt, the texts linked to at the following URL may be useful:
§ In the context of the O9A, the book is or may be relevant to why the O9A has a code of kindred honour, with adherence to such a code serving to distinguish those who are O9A from those who are not O9A and who thus have a mundane, a plebeian, physis.
A difference explained in classic O9A texts such as Culling As Art, available as of March 2019 at
{7} For an overview regarding Myatt see the texts at
{8} Geneseos Caput Tertium, Documents of the Inner O9A, 122yf, καὶ εἶπεν ὠὄφις τῇ γυναικί Οὠθανάτῳ ἀποθανεῖσθε.
Posted: April 29th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Mythos, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Seven Fold Way, Sinisterly-Numinous, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Kitab Al-Aflak
Kitab al-Aflak
A study of Order of Nine Angles texts reveals that, from the 1970s on, their ‘nine angles’ refer to the nine combinations – the “numinous symbols of cliology†(qv. the 1990s text ‘Aeonic Magick – A Basic Introduction’) – of the three basic alchemical substances (Mercury, Sulphur, Salt) which are represented in the pieces of the 1970s vintage O9A Star Game.
These nine angles/combinations were first outlined in the 1974 text Emanations of Urania, and which nine combinations can be used to symbolize how the the causal and the acausal are manifest to us, as for instance in our psyche (in the nexion of causal/acausal that we are) via archetypes, ‘personality types’, and the esoteric correspondences of the O9A Tree of Wyrd.
Furthermore, according to Anton Long his inspiration for this 1970s theory of cliology – of nine alchemical combinations or emanations – was an ancient Arabic manuscript, of a few folios, he read while travelling and studying in the Middle East and Asia in 1971, and to which MS some scribe had added some scholia and the title Al-Kitab Al-Alfak – which translates as The Book of The Spheres.
Posted: April 29th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinister Strategy, The Sinister-Numinous Way | Comments Off on Evolution Of The O9A
Evolution Of The O9A
Posted: March 20th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, David Myatt, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Mythos, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism | Comments Off on Myatt, National Socialism, And The O9A
David Myatt, National Socialism, And The Order Of Nine Angles
° Is David Myatt Still A Neo-Nazi?
“While the question is David Myatt still a neo-nazi has been asked many times over the past six or seven years – with academics such as Senholt seeming to answer in the affirmative and with Myatt himself consistently denying that he is – many items written by Myatt since 2010, and his reclusive lifestyle since 2010, seen to indicate that he is no longer a neo-nazi […]
Correctly understood, via a thorough study of the O9A corpus, the O9A is neither satanist nor neo-nazi and as a practical movement in the real world is based more on anarchy than on anything else.”
° The Myattian Saga Continues
“In the decades long and on-going saga of whether or not David Myatt is or was Anton Long of Order of Nine Angles fame some of Mr Myatt’s latest writings are intriguing and seem to provide more proof that, as he has maintained all along, he is not and was not Anton Long, founder of the O9A…..”
Posted: March 12th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Esoteric Philosophy, Esoteric Philosophy of Anton Long, Inner O9A, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Compilation 2017-2019
Some Recent O9A Texts
Volume I: Texts
Volume II: Illustrations
Contents, Volume I
° Preface
° Introduction
° O9A 101
° A Modern Practical Guide To The Seven Fold Way
° Esoteric Notes Concerning The Numinous
° The O9A Septenary Sigil
° Notes On The Corpus Hermeticum
° The Anti-Patriarchal O9A Ethos
° O9A Esoteric Notes LXIII
(Atazoth And Alchemical Sources)
° A Note Regarding Kitab al-Aflak
° The Latin Picatrix, The Arabic Ghayat al-hakim, And The O9A Septenary System
° Notes On O9A Ontology And The Ruhaniyyat
° Selected Septenary Correspondences
(According To O9A Aural Tradition)
° O9A Esoteric Notes LXXVI
(Archaic Spelling In O9A Esoteric Tradition)
° Classifying O9A Texts
° Primary O9A Sources
° Non-English Names And Terms In O9A Tradition
° A Note On A Difference In Sigils
° Sigils In Medieval And Renaissance Occult Texts
° The O9A Dark Art Of Shrenching
° Academia And The Order of Nine Angles
° Appendix I: A Multi-Headed Mythical Beast
° Appendix II: Exposing Twelve Basic Errors
The compilation conveniently brings together some recent (2017-2019) texts which, as explained in the Introduction, manifest aspects of O9A tradition hitherto neglected by both other Occultists and by academics who have studied or who are studying Western Occultism and/or the O9A.
Which aspects are (i) Occult knowledge – esoteric and pagan traditions, Greco-Roman, Arabic, and Persian – absent from other manifestations of modern Western Occultism; (ii) the link which the O9A has through this knowledge to those ancient traditions; and (iii) the scholarly research done by the authors of such O9A texts.
The scope and contents of the texts serve to distinguish the O9A from all other modern Occult groups be such groups described as Occult, Satanist, or of the Western Left Hand Path.
This 144 page compilation thus compliments the O9A texts in the following four compilations:
(i) the seventh, 1460 page, edition of Guide To The Order Of Nine Angles issued in 2014 (external link),
(ii) The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles, (pdf) issued in 2016,
(iii) The Eludent O9A, (pdf) issued in 2018, and
(iv) Further Notes Concerning The Hermetic Origins Of The O9A, (pdf) issued in 2014.
Posted: March 11th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: David Myatt, Fake News, Hope Not Hate, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Fake News
Exposing Twelve Basic Errors
In a recent report much quoted in mainstream Media the anti-fascist ‘special interest’ group calling itself “Hope not hate†devoted two sections (pages 80-85) to the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) and David Myatt.
The shoddy and propagandistic – the “fake news†– nature of the report is evident in the fact that in those two sections there are over twelve basic, factual, errors ranging from outright fabrications to misquotations.
Another fundamental – damning – flaw is that various O9A and other articles are quoted but without providing references to the date and place of publication and without giving the name of the author on the original text with some articles which are falsely attributed to Myatt having been written by others.
Other fundamental flaws are that the author of the sections on the O9A and Myatt provided no evidence for their many assumptions (such as that Myatt=Long) and did not balance their claims by asking those they libelled for their comments.
That the mainstream Media published articles which extensively quoted from the pages about the O9A and Myatt in the report yet did not have its journalists ask those maligned by the report for comments, and did not have its journalists check the facts beforehand, is indicative of how even the mainstream Media is complicit in spreading “fake newsâ€.
Had a mainstream journalist or journalists bothered to check the facts they would have found the following.
§ Quote: “For Myatt, satanism and fascism are inextricably linked.†p.84
A fabrication by the author, since Myatt in his extensive critique of Occultism first published in 1997 by Renaissance Press in New Zealand wrote:
                  “National-Socialism and Occultism are fundamentally, and irretrievably, incompatible and opposed to each other.†{1}
§ The author gives a quote allegedly written by Myatt: “National Socialism is the only real theory in existence, since it is based solely on the highest ideals of Honour, Loyalty and Duty, championed over and above selfish individual pursuits. It calls for a revolution of the Soul; a Triumph of the Will; a return of racial pride and defiance. In a very important sense, National Socialism IS contemporary Paganism.†p.84
The author not only misquotes the original text but mistakenly attributes it to Myatt.
° The correct quotation is:
                  “National Socialism (with the esoteric exception of Traditional Satanism) is the only real Heresy in existence, since it is based solely on the highest ideals of Honour, Loyalty and Duty, championed over and above selfish individual pursuits. It calls for a revolution of the Soul; a Triumph of the Will; a return of racial pride and defiance – of all that epitomizes the genuine Western ethos. It is a form that cannot be bought by The System, and thus the only option for the latter is to jail or kill National Socialists, and smash through innumerable legislative variations National Socialist influence, naturally dormant in the Western – or Aryan – people. It is the only form which frightens The System, and is thus the only form capable of achieving System Breakdown.â€
The quotation is from a Temple 88 newsletter published in a compilation by Caput Mortuum in May 2004 via the now defunct website. {2}
° In addition and importantly, according to the Anti-Defamation League
                  “the berserker brotherhood is a relatively new motorcycle division of temple 88, a white supremacist group that describes itself as a brotherhood of white separatists. The berserker brotherhood colors have a skull in the middle of an iron cross, flanked on the right by the number 88. One anonymous berserker brotherhood member claimed on a social networking Web site that temple 88 originally formed in South Carolina’s Allendale Correctional Institute.†{3}
§ Quote: “The three volumes of The Black Book of Satan are considered so extreme that they are kept is a special section of the British Library and not available to the general public.†p.81
In fact, only two versions of the first volume are kept in the British Library. The first version was published in 1984 and is at General Reference Collection Cup.815/51.
The second version was published in 1992 under the title Codex Saerus and is at General Reference Collection YK.1994.b.12337.
Other O9A items kept in the British Library include the rare edition of Naos: a practical guide to modern magick published by Coxland Press in 1990, available at General Reference Collection YK.1993.a.13307.
§ Quote: “O9A literature regularly advocates ritualised rape, random attacks on innocent victims.†p.81
A fabrication by the author.
A study of the O9A corpus from the 1980s to 2018 – from the pro-Sapphic novel Breaking The Silence Down {4} to the essay The Anti-Patriarchal O9A Ethos {5} – reveals the O9A attitude toward women, with the O9A code of kindred honour embodying respect for women and gender equality {5} and with the O9A having “more female supporters than either the Church of Satan or the Temple of Set [and] more women with children.†{6}
Nowhere in the corpus of O9A texts written by “Anton Long†between the 1970s and 2011 does the O9A advocate rape.
In fact the O9A consider rapists as suitable candidates for culling {7}.
In addition, nowhere in the corpus of O9A texts written by “Anton Long†between the 1970s and 2011 does the O9A advocate random attacks on innocent victims.
§ Quote: “The ceremony ends with the killing of a chosen one; in a symbolic sacrifice, an animal replaces a person.†p.81
The ceremony in question is The Ceremony of Recalling and nowhere is there any mention of sacrificing an animal, which is fabrication on the part of the author. The ceremony is included in the text Grimoire of Baphomet.
In addition, O9A texts dating from the 1980s and 1990s reveal that they “despise animal sacrifice.†{8}
§ Quote: “When asked in 2005 if the O9A were posing as nazis to recruit and spread their message, Myatt – writing under the name Darkos Lago – responded: You seem to have missed the point about ONA and National Socialism.†p. 82
Where is the evidence for the propagandistic assumption that Myatt used that or any other pseudonym? The author provides no evidence whatsoever.
In addition, the author not only gets the year wrong but misattributes the quote. The post was published in 2016 on the “right-wing†Stormfront internet forum by Dark Logos not by Darkos Lago {9}.
§ Quote: “To Myatt, Satanism represented the Black Order, the only force that could unlock the stranglehold [of] the White Order.†p. 84
A fabrication, for Myatt does not mention a “Black Order†and a “White Order†in any of his writings, be such writings from his time as a National Socialist (1968-1998), as a Muslim (1998-2009) or as an advocate of his numinous way/philosophy of pathei-mathos (2010-present).
Neither does “Anton Long†mention a “Black Order†and a “White Order†in any of his writings.
§ Quote: “In an interview as recently as 2013, Myatt explained their strategy. “Insofar as I understand the matter, it seems that the ‘satanic’ overtones of the ONA serves several subversive purposes.†p.83.
The quoted text was not an interview with Myatt, was not published in 2013 but was posted in 2016 on the “right-wing†Stormfront internet forum by Dark Logos {9}.
§ Quote: “In the 1990s the leadership of the O9A was taken over by Richard Moult.â€
The author reveals a basic lack of understanding of the O9A. For there is not and never was a “leader†of the O9A, as a study of the O9A corpus from the 1980s to 2018 makes clear. {10}
According to Professor Monette the O9A
                  “is not a structured lodge or temple, but rather a movement, a subculture or perhaps metaculture that its adherents choose to embody or identify with.†{11}
That is, the O9A is a collection of autonomous cells (nexions) and individuals who follow or who are inspired by the Occult philosophy and practices described in the O9A corpus.
§ Quote: “In 2001 I met David Myatt in a Shropshire pub, close to where he shared a caravan with Richard Moult.â€
The author fabricates where both Myatt and Moult then lived. At the time Myatt lived in the village of Leigh Sinton near Malvern with his wife and family while Moult lived with his female partner on a farm near Lydbury North in Shropshire.
These facts were known to both the police and MI5 since Myatt was under surveillance following his arrest by Special Branch in 1998 and his interrogation in 1999 by the anti-terrorist squad in relation to Copeland’s nail-bomb attacks in London. At the time of the interview with Lowles, Myatt was still on bail following his 1998 arrest with one of his bail conditions being that he attend Charing Cross police station on a regular basis.
In addition, the places of residence could be confirmed by County Council tax reports, by tax returns from HM Revenue and Customs, and by other official documents, with Myatt at the time working on a farm near Malvern.
Myatt’s version of the interview with Lowles {12} provides a different version of the events.
§ Errors on pseudonyms.
The author gets the following pseudonyms wrong. He has
° Christos Beast – instead of Christos Beest
° Darkos Lago – instead of Dark Logos
° A. A. Morian – instead of A. A. Morain
° Michael Mouthwork – instead of Michael Morthwork
§ Logical Fallacies.
The author of the sections on the O9A and Myatt commits two basic logical fallacies.
° First, he commits the fallacy of Incomplete Evidence, Which is, to quote Myatt, {13} “when material concerning or assumptions about a particular matter are selected and presented to support a particular argument or conclusion, while other material or assumptions which do not support, which contradict, the chosen argument or conclusion are withheld or not discussed. In effect, selective evidence and/or selective argument are used in order to ‘prove’ a particular point.â€
The author thus omits to mention or quote from O9A texts which contradict his assumptions or which place into context the quotations he uses. The author also omits to quote from Myatt’s extensive post-2010 writings about his rejection of extremism and about his mystical, ethical, philosophy of pathei-mathos; quotations which would provide Myatt’s side of the story.
In the case of the O9A the author does not, for example, in the matter of “culling†mention or quote from O9A texts which reveal that there is wide diversity of opinion within the O9A as to whether O9A culling is real or merely part of its Labyrinthos Mythologicus {14} and thus just
                  “a test of occult intuition and a test also designed to put many people off, cause controversy and so generate interest in the O9A.†{15}
As Richard Moult recently wrote:
                  “Regarding culling: I have always understood this to be a mischievous aspect of the O9A’s Labyrinthos Mythologicus, and during my time associated with its Septenary techniques, I experienced nothing to suggest otherwise.†{16}
The same questions regarding the O9A’s Labyrinthos Mythologicus apply in the matter of the O9A suggesting Insight Roles that may involve criminal acts.
° Second, the author of the sections in the report dealing with the O9A and Myatt commits the fallacy of secundum quid et simpliciter. Which is the use of particular individual cases to form a general rule to then use that rule to describe, and thence to blame, or to castigate, or to defame a whole group.
Thus the author uses selective quotes from people who have associated themselves with the O9A and uses his selection to describe and to defame the O9A.
Trusting In Fake News
So many errors and flaws in so few pages exposes the sections on the O9A and Myatt in the report as untrustworthy, as “fake newsâ€, as propaganda designed to discredit written by an author with a particular political agenda.
The sections on the O9A and Myatt are also a masterclass in how to write, distribute, and have the mainstream Media publish fake news, to thus get the public to believe and spread such fake news.
RDM Crew
February 2019
Note: The on-line texts and web-pages referenced below were available as of 26 February 2019.
{1} Myatt’s Occultism and National-Socialism is available at
{2} qv.
{4} Available from
{6} J.R Lewis, Satanic Attitudes, in Asbjorn Dyrendal, James R. Lewis, Jesper A. Petersen (editors), The Invention of Satanism, Oxford University Press, 2015. p.191; pp. 194–196.
{8} qv. R. Parker, Praxis and Theory of The Order of Nine Angles – A Précis for Critics, Neophytes, and Academics. 2012.
{10} An overview is provided in Authority, Learning, and Culture, In The Sinister Tradition Of The Order of Nine Angles, available at
See also
{11} Connell Monette, Mysticism in the 21st Century. Sirius Academic Press, 2013. p.89
{13} David Myatt, A Matter Of Honour, 2012.
{14} qv.
{15} The quotation is from The Question Of O9A Culling, available at
See also Another Academic Misinterpretation Of The O9A, available at
Posted: August 26th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Richard Moult, Tarot Archetypes, Tarot Cards, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Ancient Pagan Traditions, Ancient Paganism, Archetypes, Hermeticism, Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est, O9A, O9A Aural Tradition, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Richard Moult, Seven Fold Way, Tarot, Tarot Cards, The Hermetic Tradition, The Sinister-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on The Emissary

New Tarot image, from the Minor Arcana of Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est, a book of Tarot archetypes by Richard Moult.
Posted: July 11th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Authority Of Individual Judgment, Esoteric Philosophy, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, O9A Culture, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinister Strategy, Sorcery, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on The Exoteric And Esoteric Reality Of The O9A
The Exoteric And Esoteric Reality Of The Order Of Nine Angles
Posted: July 3rd, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Deofel Quartet, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Deofel Quartet, O9A, Occult Fiction, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Sinister Fiction, The Sinister Tradition | Comments Off on The O9A Deofel Quartet
The Deofel Quartet present much of the diverse aural traditions of the Order of Nine Angles as Anton Long received them: as stories about people, their interactions; their ‘satanic’ or esoteric views and beliefs; and about certain events that involved those people. In The Deofel Quartet he simply reworked the factual material – as writers of fiction are wont to do – in order to make an interesting story, in the process obscuring the identities of those involved and sometimes their place of residence or work; added some entertaining details (as in the ‘astral battles’ of a kind now familiar – decades later – from the Harry Potter stories) and concatenated certain events in order to provide ‘action’ in a limited time-frame.
Thus, the fictional stories not only compliment other O9A material but provide a ‘different way into’ the complex O9A mythos; a way that many will find more interesting (and certainly more entertaining) than thousands of pages of sometimes polemical and sometimes ponderous O9A factual texts, and a way that especially places the O9A’s satanism into perspective, Aeonically and otherwise.
The Quartet was written by Anton Long with the stories originally read out from handwritten manuscripts at Temple/nexion meetings of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) in the decades of the 1970s and 1980s. These meetings were never large – sometimes only a few people, occasionally a dozen or less – and were always held in intimate and candle-lit surroundings.
Following the expansion of the O9A in the late 1980s resulting from O9A articles being published in occult zines such as Nox, the original handwritten manuscripts (most with handwritten corrections or alterations) were, in the early 1990s typed out on manual typewriters by various people.
° Falcifer
° The Temple of Satan
° The Giving
° The Greyling Owl
Further reading:
O9A Occult Fiction
Note: Contains Plot Spoilers
Other fictional works by the O9A include:
° Eulalia – Dark Daughter of Baphomet. c.2009.
° Tales of the Dark Gods, c.2008, comprising the four short stories (i) In The Sky of Dreaming, (ii) Jenyah, (iii) Sabirah, and (iv) A Dark Trilogy.
° The two individual short stories Hangster’s Gate and Copula cum Daemone. c. 1976.
° The short story Gruyllan’s Tale, which forms part of the Balocraft of Baphomet series. c.2010.
° The short story Sunedrion: A Wyrdful Tale. 2015.
Posted: June 26th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinister Strategy, Sorcery, Traditional Satanism | Comments Off on Herewith, A Return To The Dark?
Herewith, A Return To The Dark?
As Anton Long wrote in 2011 ev in the ONA text The Discovery and Knowing of Satan,
“The Order of Nine Angles is an esoteric association of individuals, and the emphasis of this association is on: (1) practical experience and challenges (Occult, exoteric, and amoral) and (2) on the authority of individual judgement. Thus, for the ONA, what matters is the individual developing, from their own years-long (mostly decades-long) practical experience, a personal weltanschauung: that is, discovering their own individual answers to certain questions concerning themselves, life, existence, the Occult, and the nature of Reality.”
Also, two decades earlier he had written,
“There is no acceptance of someone else’s authority […] I claim no authority, and my creations, profuse as they are, will in the end be accepted or rejected on the basis of whether they work. Satan forbid they should ever become dogma or a matter of faith. I also expect to see them become transformed, by their own metamorphosis and that due to other individuals: changed, extended and probably ultimately transcended, may be even forgotten. They – like the individual I am at the moment – are only a stage, toward something else.” {1}
As Professor Monette explained, the O9A
“is not a structured lodge or temple, but rather a movement, a subculture or perhaps metaculture that its adherents choose to embody or identify with.” {2}
Now, in 2018 ev, with the early stages of Phase III of O9A sinister strategy {3} well-presenced, {4} and with an abundance of new and old O9A texts freely (and, for now, still) available from the omega9alpha weblog, it is obvious that the public future and the public persona/personae of the O9A – and the present and future interpretations, manifestations, and the natural evolution of the O9A – belong to (i) independent O9A nexions – be they traditional, Satanist, pagan, Left Hand Path, NS-orientated, Darkly Sinister, Vampyric, or otherwise – and (ii) to those artists, musicians (of whatever genre or none) and activists who presence by their endeavours the sinister-numinous aesthetic, and/or who presence or embody the esoteric philosophy and praxises, of the Order of Nine Angles.
Sufficient has been written, over the past four decades, by both “Anton Long” and The Inner ONA for those interested in the O9A to, should they so desire, follow the O9A Seven Fold Way, establish an independent O9A nexion or presence the ethos of the O9A through music and art or by other means.
Sufficient has also been written to counter the anti-O9A propaganda and silly allegations that modern self-described – mostly Levey inspired – ‘satanists’ and mundane others have spewed forth for decades and no doubt will continue to spew forth by means of various mediums.
All that those interested in the O9A, or interested in understanding the O9A, need for them to begin to appreciate the O9A in esoteric context – that is, sans polemics and propaganda, both O9A and anti-O9A – are the following five, brief, introductory guides all of which are available as gratis open access (pdf) documents:
Practical Guide To The Seven Fold Way
The Exoteric And Esoteric Reality Of The O9A
Classifying O9A Texts
Quintessence Of The Order Of Nine Angles
O9A Occult Fiction
T.W.S. Nexion
May 2018 ev
{1} Letter to Michael Aquino, dated 20th October 1990 ev. The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown. Volume 1. Thormynd Press, 1992.
{2} Monette, Connell. Mysticism in the 21st Century. 2013. Sirius Academic Press. p.89
{3} Phase III of the sinister strategy of the O9A is evident
(i) in “a burgeoning esoteric [O9A inspired] culture of which clandestine O9A nexions are a part,”
(ii) in those clandestine O9A nexions returning to the tradition of personal covert recruitment and the practical testing of new Initiates which testing includes culling,
(iii) in each O9A person, nexion, group, or cell, freely developing their own interpretation of everything O9A, because they are “free to develop and change everything O9A, [since] there is no authority above the individual, or beyond each group or collective of groups. No leader, no outer (or inner) representative, no council, no old guard, who can make pronouncements about or declare what is or is not correct. No official or genuine O9A; no heresy; no proscription of individuals or groups. Furthermore, no consensus is necessary or required among those who are or who associate with the O9A, although naturally a particular O9A nexion may have or arrive at a particular internal consensus and thus presence a particular interpretation of matters O9A,”
(iv) in “each O9A person, nexion, group, or cell, [using] their own judgement in respect of what they do; in how they, individually and/or as part of an O9A nexion, presence the dark and manifest the sinister in practical ways,”
(v) in the retirement of “Anton Long”.
{4} Examples of such recent Presencing “Of The Sinister” (valid as of May 2018 ev) include but are not limited to the following:
§ the availability of gratis open access digital texts such as (a) the 1460 page seventh edition of Guide To The Order of Nine Angles: Theory and Praxises (external link), and (b) its companion work the 159 page The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The O9A (pdf),
§ the availability of printed versions of classic ONA texts included in books such as (a) The Sinister Tradition, ISBN 978-1479324613, (b) Hostia: Secret Teachings of the ONA, ISBN 978-1493633906, and (c) Sinister Tales, ISBN 978-1479305636,
§ the active and traditional Italian Secuntra nexion, who have published two books – (a) Corpus Secuntra, Telos, ISBN 978-1981879342, and ISBN 978-1545074497, and (b) Satanica Eresia – Una Guida al Satanismo, ISBN 978-1986070034 – and also recorded some O9A chants,
§ the Deathwave Nexion who have produced recordings by O9A-inspired musicians such as Hvile I Kaos which band had a successful public concert in 2018 at a venue in Long Beach California,
§ the release of ‘sinisterly-numinous’ recordings by the Deverills Nexion,
§ the Finnish Black Metal record label The Sinister Flame, and groups such as Altar of Perversion,
§ the MMP Temple record label,
§ the Tempel ov Blood,
§ the Non Est Secundus Quia Unus Est book of Tarot images by Richard Moult,
§ the O9A inspiring some members of some politically active National Socialist groups.
§ And so on and so on…