Posted: August 3rd, 2022 | Author: Brett Stevens | Filed under: Order of Nine Angles | Tags: equality, garden of eden, National Socialism, Nihilism, plato, prometheus | Comments Off on Descent in Flames

All literature — this includes religion — focuses on the Greater War inside our heads. This is the point that Ur-Mah is trying to make on this site, although Nameless Therein adds the second component to this, which is that mental clarity leads to decisive action in the real world.
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Posted: March 4th, 2022 | Author: Brett Stevens | Filed under: Guest Essays | Tags: buddhism, christianity, dualism, luciferianism, metaprometheanism, O9A, plato | Comments Off on Metaprometheanism
Plato wrote that all human events exist on a curve, and that curve cycles between a life-arc and death-arc, with the life-arc starting at the moment of clarity and the death-arc representing the degradation of that, starting with the death of understanding of the inner goal for individuals and civilization.
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