Happy International Day of Slayer!

Posted: June 6th, 2024 | Author: | Filed under: Nihilism | Tags: , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Happy International Day of Slayer!

Heavy metal posits a simple question: why believe that the metaphysical runs in parallel to the physical, such that natural selection extends beyond the physical world? This arises from its worship of power and destruction at a time when most fear them.

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In Pursuit of Evil

Posted: October 24th, 2023 | Author: | Filed under: News | Tags: , , | Comments Off on In Pursuit of Evil

The media offers simple illusions for the techno-proles, giving them a hope that the situation is handled and they can go back to moral and intellectual sleep, while carefully distracting from the ongoing collapse of civilization and extinction of humanity.

To do this successfully, one must play to the sense of self-pity of the audience. Bored, unfulfilled, directionless, lazy, demoralized, and atomized, they are looking for scapegoats, and to fit into an egalitarian society, they style themselves as victims.

They have little choice, of course. They either admit that like most of humanity, most of which is third world status, they are doing something wrong, or find someone to blame. By styling themselves as victims, they can feel better about their confused minds and blame others.

In an egalitarian civilization, the weak take from the strong, so those who want to succeed learn early on to identify with victims. Over time this becomes an easy answer for everything and so they bond with others in alienation and scapegoating.

The media preaches to this mentality because the media must sell products. To sell a product, you recast what people already believe as something exotic and tantalizing, knowing that they will lap it up in order to enjoy confirmation of their bias.

Through this process we get rambling denunciations of the O9A:

O9A’s true size is unknown and its beliefs vary widely, but a common goal is to join a gang, terrorist plot, police force, or military unit, then stir as much chaos as possible to accelerate the fall of western civilization.

Because of its cell structure and the ability for young men to radicalize themselves online, it is difficult to know who is for real and who is pretending…But in recent years, O9A materials have been found in the search history and homes of men in North America and Western Europe who were charged with terror offenses.

Never forget, normies: we aspire to evil. Good, as defined by you people, consists of denying reality and especially Darwinism, simply so that the group can have a false sense of unity and be easily controlled through symbols.

This control does not have one controller… it has as many as there are voters. People, in an attempt to avoid being seen for their failures, campaign against competence and strength, identifying as victims and blaming whoever is stronger, richer, smarter, or more competent.

Our human herd is self-manipulating and self-deluding. To manipulate others they play the victim while pursuing their own self-interest, fooling the credulous, and then convince others to join them in misery so they can talk about how bad life is and how good Utopia will be.

It is a mistake to read this as ideology. It is social compensation behavior, and it is how every human society so far has found itself chasing non-problems through government, eventually bankrupting itself, genetically destroying itself, and ending up a third world grey person wasteland.

We stand against this process. We embrace Darwinism, reject “good” and “evil” as anything but tokens of manipulation, and stand for hard consequentialist realism that measures our actions by their results. If you kill billions for a better world, that is not to be feared.

We reject your society of meritocracy, workaholism, consumerism, codependent relationships, television-watching, and endless pity. We embrace strength and reject weakness; the strong should take from the weak, and the best must oppress the rest.

Your option, the rest oppressing the best, leads to incompetence, weakness, and an absolute lack of meaning or purpose to life. We reject this. We reject your humanism, the idea that everyone is important, and most of all the Big Lie, “equality.”

We deny Utopia. Life is as it has always been. We either accept this and work with it or become something worse than evil, reality-deniers who leave collateral damage in their wake and eventually grind society and our species down into hominid-level selfish bloated zombies.

We aspire to ultimate evil. We wish to be free from the judgment of others and to make our peace with nature, eternity, reality, and the ancient gods. We cast aside your Abrahamic belief in pity and control, embrace strength, and open our arms to the infinite darkness.

Beyond the Binary

Posted: October 4th, 2022 | Author: | Filed under: Nihilism | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Beyond the Binary

To students of language, the enduring mystery of words entices and provokes us. The terms which mean the most — spirit, truth, good, information — remain the most inscrutable, but are also found at the core of almost everything that we do. It is as if we are speaking a language we do not understand.

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Almost there

Posted: July 30th, 2022 | Author: | Filed under: Anarchy, Church of Satan, Civil War, O9A | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Almost there

We laugh at those who write more than they do.

We laugh at those who would dare start a nexion without reaching the physical standards of the o9a.

We laugh at those who claim to have run a nexion yet do not know the least of leading or organizing people or resources.

We laugh at those who cynically go through esoteric procedures while holding on to a fearful materialistic mindset, not rational enough to discard nonsensical visualization exercises, but not invested enough to break the veil into paranormal reality.

We laugh at those who make up esoteric procedures but remain dependent on the tool as if the tool were the essence.

We laugh at those who claim entry into the ranks of Internal Adepts yet transparently still think of others and of themselves in terms of archetypal categories while claiming the contrary, and thus getting trapped in the vicious cycle of repression and possession, those who fail to rein-in the archetype and rule over it for its usefulness to themselves.

We laugh at those who claim entry into the grade of Master or Mistress of the Earth but who still struggle with financial affairs and matters of identity, who is not a leader nor a prize of the flesh. A Master or Mistress of the Earth should already be at the top of the world, a physical ordeal does not bestow this, but Financial Independence, an untouchable sense of identity, and potent and deep charisma do.

We laugh at he who claims the title of Magus and who holds on to abstractions like “honor” and threaten slaves and sheep with “duels with mortal weapons”, and is willing to put his own life and that of another on the line and at mortal risk for the sake of such an abstraction.

We laugh at those who make up legends about immigrant-killing super-Satanists hiding in the mountains and work themselves up to the illusion of being international spies instead of simply enjoying the beauty and magic of those mountains in silence and self-honesty. Stop holding group Zen meditations up there, and instead hold orgies for Satan where those crystals are supposed to be buried. Actual SEX MAGICK, motherfuckers!

We raise our chalices in honor of that actual Magus who knew not to take his rituals, or others, or himself, as a static identity, and instead knew how to build a tangible empire out of the ashes through sheer Willpower and magical application to the point where neither he nor his family will ever want for anything material.

We raise our chalices in honor of the only real God-in-the-Flesh to grace the o9a community who moves among the American shadows raising the Dead into Eternal Life and damning the self-damning into Oblivion beyond Hell. May the Blood flow eternally into and through you, Oh Master!

May the o9a one day grow up beyond esoteric chants and crystals, beyond japes and sunedrions of little boy and girl scouts.

May the o9a one day grow up and discover that power lies within the ground they stand on and the laws and currency the common man and woman make up not as gods to worship nor as unclean objects to avoid but as resources to create the reality you choose.

May the o9a one day grow up beyond their obsession with being Mamma’s special boy or Pappa’s special girl (the vast majority of o9a members being Enneagram Type 4s, with differing degrees of pathology), and they learn that power lies in developing bonds with the common man and woman as a source of love and tribute and work.

May the o9a one day grow up and realize there is no merit in being different but only in being useful to others but mainly to yourself.

May the o9a one day grow up and realize that what they do does not change nor reflect who or what they are, and that no matter how low their actions have taken them, it is always possible to change what you decide to do and what you make of yourself without inviting guilt or sadness.

May the o9a one day grow up and realize their own methods show not that “an individual reveals their essence through their actions”, but that the past does not need to define the future, that every decision is taken now, and that you can make yourself anew at every moment of existence.


May the o9a one day wake up to the fact that Life is not to be judged nor suffered through, but enjoyed and cherished, that we can choose not to self-punish but to maximize joy and revel in survival and pleasure.


May the o9a one day remember they were not supposed to be sad singing-trekking Gnostics longing for a reality that exists only in an imaginary “green ray”, but Satanists surging with the ecstasy of power, sex, and triumph as pure joy altering the world to suit their individuality.

That the o9a has “moved on” from Satanism only shows they have misunderstood Satanism by fomenting psychopathy and misnaming it Satanism.

This has caused the embracing of anti-Life ideologies that surreptitiously have crawled into the o9a mindset through neo-nazi circles with ties to Gnosticism and ancient Greco-Roman ideas meant to manipulate soldiers and the populace into self-sacrifice.

Today, to be “inner o9a” seems to imply sadness, fatigue, and tears. Further, it seems to come with an insufferable mixture of self-absorption and self-pitying, defensiveness holding up frail personalities who bounce back from their depression with physical training and psychological self-delusion.

Those of us who have evolved through and from the old-school o9a trend, presently invaded by depressive post-suicidal personalities, are ushering in a new era of Earthly Conquest, of accomplishment, of legalistic and economic power to come not in a hypothetical distant future hidden in the mists of time, but NOW AND IN YOUR LIFETIME — because THERE IS NO OTHER TIME BUT NOW.

Re-discover Life, and know that YOU HAVE A CHOICE.

You can BE HERE for yourself, at the door of your senses, beyond your senses.

Build faith on the back of your actual accomplishments in this world NOW.


Nexion of Ur



PS. We know Team Depression will answer with pseudo-intellectual/literate posts trying to fill the room we stand in with boring-ass platitudes up to our necks, but we all know how weak and meaningless these are, in the end, as they don’t change the reality of things.

The Apolitical Deofel Quartet

Posted: October 13th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Deofel Quartet, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Apolitical Deofel Quartet


Those who have studied O9A esotericism in detail, and those who have an intuitive or artistic appreciation of the Sinister-Numinous aesthetic of the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A), know that the O9A in essence is apolitical, regarding all political forms and all political ideologies as causal abstractions, some of which forms may be useful for a while as exeatic learning experiences Рas Insight R̫les Рfor some individuals in the early years of their decades-long journey along the O9A Seven Fold Way. But all of which causal abstractions Рfrom politics, to religions, to sociological and psychological theories and posited archetypes Рare surpassed, left behind, understood as irrelevant Рwhen the individual undertakes and successfully emerges from the ordeal of The Abyss.

Which ordeal reveals The Unity, the affective acausality, beyond the illusive, the mundane, dialectic of opposing opposites; an illusive dialectic exemplified by “choosing sides” such as, in terms of political abstractions, “Left Wing” and “Right Wing”.

Those conversant with O9A esotericism will know that the novels of the O9A Deofel Quartet (written between the 1970s and the early 1990s) present

                  “much of the diverse aural traditions as AL [Anton Long] received them: as stories about people, their interactions; their ‘satanic’ or esoteric views and beliefs; and about certain events that involved those people. In The Deofel Quartet he simply reworked the factual material – as writers of fiction are wont to do – in order to make an interesting story, in the process obscuring the identities of those involved and sometimes their place of residence or work; added some entertaining details (as in the ‘astral battles’ between goodies and baddies in Falcifer, of a kind now familiar – decades later – from the Harry Potter stories) and concatenated certain events in order to provide ‘action’ in a limited time-frame.
                  Thus, the fictional stories not only compliment other O9A material but provide a ‘different way into’ the complex O9A mythos; a way that many will find more interesting (and certainly more entertaining) than thousands of pages of sometimes polemical and sometimes ponderous O9A factual texts, and a way that especially places the O9A’s satanism into perspective, Aeonically and otherwise.”

None of the novels of the Quartet concern politics. None of them deal with political revolution or concern themselves with “terrorism”. None of them concern “neo-nazism”. None of them involve “racism” or are “anti-gay” or misogynistic. In truth, the novels – ahead of their time – contain strong female characters (such as Fiona in The Greyling Owl, and Lianna in The Giving) as well as positive gay characters (such as Fenton in The Greyling Owl).

To understand the O9A is to understand how and why The Deofel Quartet presences O9A esotericism: as involving real individuals some of whom (as in Falcifer) may have an interest in Satanism and the Occult, and some of whom (as in The Greyling Owl) are not interested in, or appear not to be interested in, Satanism and the Occult. As readers of such works as Falcifer and The Giving and The Temple of Satan discover, esoterically the O9A is far beyond even the causal abstraction, the causal form, termed “Satanism”.

Thus, as described in The Temple Of Satan,

                  “All of [the books], and the manuscripts bound like books, were about alchemy, magick or the Occult. He could read the Latin of the medieval manuscripts and books, but what they related did not interest him as the later books brought forth no desire to read further.
                  Even the Black Book of Satan, resting on the table, seemed irrelevant to him. They were all compilations of shadow words, appearing to Thurstan to fall short of the aim that the searchers who had written them should have aimed for. His instinctive feeling was to observe in a contemplative way some facet of the cosmos – to stand outside in the dark of the night and listen for the faint music that travelled down to Earth from the stars – rather the enclose himself in the warm womb of a house to read the writings of others. Demons, spells, hidden powers, the changing of base metal to gold, even the promises of power and change for himself, were not important to Thurstan, and he left the library with its stored knowledge and forbidden secrets and lurking gods, to walk in the moonlit garden.
                  The stars were not singing for him – or he could not hear them above the turmoil of his thought…
                  He moved, like an old man pained by his limbs, through the cold and sometimes swirling mist along a path that took him toward the Mynd and up, steeply, to its level summit where he stood, high above the mist, to watch the mist-clotted valleys below.
                  The heather was beginning to show the glory of its colour, and he walked through it northbound along the cracked and stony road stopping often to turn around and wait. But no one and nothing came to him – no voices, song or sigh […]
                  The very Earth itself seemed to be whispering to him the words of this truth. He began to sense, slowly, that there was for him real magick here where moorland fell to form deep hollows home to those daughters of Earth known as springs and streams, and where the Neolithic pathway had heard perhaps ten million stories. No wisps of clouds came to spoil the glory of the sun as it rose over the mottled wavy hills beyond the Stretton valley miles distant and below. No noise to break the almost sacred silence heard. For an instant it seemed as if some divinity, strange but pure, came into the world, and smiled.”

Thus, The Greyling Owl deals

                  “with a type of ‘hidden sinister sorcery’ that owes little or nothing to what has become accepted as ‘the Western occult tradition’, satanic or otherwise, with its demons, its invocations and evocations, its rituals, and people dressing up in robes. Instead, it concerns someone being manipulated, brought into a position of influence, without even knowing or suspecting there is an occult aspect; someone – in modern parlance – being ‘groomed’ to at some future time use that influence for a sinister purpose as directed by the person or persons to whom he is now indebted.
                  That is, there is a revealing of how the O9A often operates, and has operated, in the real world; and how O9A people are often secretive, with their occult connections, and their interest in the sinister, unknown to colleagues and friends. The title itself gives a clue, for the word greyling is used in reference to Hipparchia Semele (commonly referred to as the Grayling), a type of butterfly found in Britain and one which is ‘a master of disguise and can mysteriously disappear as soon as it lands, perfectly camouflaged’. Hence the title seems to, esoterically, suggest the pairing of the ‘mistress of disguise’ (Fiona) with ‘the owl’ (Mickleman) and which working together will enable sinister deeds to be done, most possibly by Mickleman (under the guidance of Fiona) influencing or recruiting people from within his natural academic environment.”

Thus, the following paean to Sapphic love, from Breaking The Silence Down, the novel often considered as making the Deofel ‘quartet’ into a quintet of esoteric novels:

                  “Blissful, they returned to their home. The rain ceased with their arrival and in the subdued light in the now cramped sitting room of their bungalow, Rachael sat at her piano to transform herself and the night. Diane listened and watched, entranced. Rachael’s playing created a new world and a new woman, and Diane watched this strange woman create from the instrument of wood, steel and tone a universe of beauty, ecstasy and light.
                  Bach, Beethoven – it made no difference what or for how long she played. But, as it always had since that night, Beethoven’s Opus 111 fascinated her with feelings, visions, and stupendous, world-creating thought. It imbued her with insight, and a love that wanted to envelope Rachael and consume her.
                  It was pleasure and pain to watch Rachael transform herself through the act of her playing into a goddess she would die for. No reason touched her while she listened. There was, she knew, no greater life than this, no greater feeling and she wanted to immolate herself with Rachael’s ecstasy, immolate world upon world with this glory and passion which no male god described.
                  Then the silence, while clamoured notes faded and dimmed light framed. There were no more tears Diane could cry and she waited while Rachael slowly rose and offered her hand. She – the goddess within – was smiling and Diane allowed herself to be led. The music in her head, the memories and secret dreams of youth: all were before her, embodied in flesh and she had only to kiss the slightly scented lips or see the secret wisdom hidden in the eyes to reach the summit of her life, slowly, in the dim corners of the bedroom’s reflected dark.”

Given that most O9A critics have never bothered to read the O9A “deofel quintet” – or, if they have, have miserably failed to appreciate its esoteric significance – it is not surprising that they have such a biased, mundane, view of the O9A.

TWS Nexion
December 2018 ev


Exposing Anti-O9A Propagandists

Posted: October 13th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Nihilism, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Exposing Anti-O9A Propagandists


Exposing Anti-O9A Propaganda

For the past three years various lies and “fake news” have been circulated, and allegations made, about the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) by journalists, by anti-fascists, by certain politicians, and by others.

Here is the “other side” – the O9A side – of the story, a side the mainstream Media, and anti-O9A propagandists, refuse to even acknowledge.

° There Is No O9A Membership
° Overview Of The O9A
° The Lies Of Misogyny And Sexual Abuse
° Fallacies Of Anti-O9A Propaganda
° The Myth Of Anton Long
° The Reason Behind Anti-O9A Propaganda
° References


Anti-O9A Hate Campaign Escalates

Posted: October 1st, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Anti-O9A Hate Campaign Escalates


The anti-fascist hate campaign against the O9A has escalated revealing once again the prejudice of anti-fascists toward the O9A and their ignorance regarding the O9A. {1}

° In a new article dated September 28, 2020 the popular on-line “Vice News” once again published lies and misinformation about the O9A. It was only to be expected that the article extensively quotes the lies, fabrications, and misinformation spread for the past two years by the anti-fascist so-called “Hope not hate” group led by Nick Lowles.

° The articles states for example that.
                  [quote] Joshua Fisher Birch, a research analyst with the U.S. based Counter Extremism Project, described the group as a “secretive satanic, fascist cult that believes in the use of extreme violence, rape, pedophilia, murder, and terrorism to bring about chaos and the downfall of the modern order. [/quote]

Which are more lies about the O9A. For Birch and the writer of the article, one Mack Lamoureux, have either never studied the O9A corpus in detail, or they are writing propaganda, for nowhere does the O9A state it believes in rape and pedophilia.

Instead, the ONA has published several texts opposing such dishonourable things; texts such as Children and The Order of Nine Angles published in 2011 and which includes an article from 1989 titled Satanism and Child-Abuse, an article mentioned by Jeffrey Kaplan in his 1998 book Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture.

Further, the O9A have published texts – such as Culling And The Code of Kindred Honour which using a real-life example clearly states that rapists make suitable opfers.

° Another lie repeated in the article is the statement that
                  [quote] [O9A] literature intends for followers to shuck any form of morality or empathy they have [/quote]

The reality is that as noted in The O9A And Empathy there is a quotation from a 1980s text which explicitly states that “empathy is the only aim of the grade ritual of internal adept and, indeed, of initiation itself.” {2}

As described in that The O9A And Empathy text:

                   {quote} In the O9A, the cultivation of the faculty of empathy is an essential part of the training of the initiate as it is considered to be one of the many esoteric skills
which Adepts must possess, and – indeed – as one of the esoteric skills which distinguishes an Adept from a non-adept. {/quote}

° Yet another lie repeated in the article is that

                  {quote} The Order of Nine Angles has been linked to crimes across the globe […] The [O9A has also been linked to accelerationist neo-Nazi groups Atomwaffen and The Base.” {/quote}

Since the O9A is an esoteric philosophy, or sub-culture, and not a group or organization with members it cannot be linked – directly connected or joined – to groups who do have members just as the possession by individuals of O9A material is not evidence of a link, only of an interest in the O9A by such groups and individuals or who personally associate themselves with O9A philosophy mostly on the basis of misunderstanding that philosophy.

For O9A philosophy is described in the 1989 125 page text Naos and in the more recent 300 page text The Seofonfeald Paeth.

As described in O9A 101,

                  {quote} The Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) is a sinisterly-numinous mystic tradition: it is not now and never was either strictly satanist or strictly Left Hand Path, but uses ‘satanism’ and the LHP as ‘causal forms’; that is, as techniques/experiences/ordeals/challenges (amoral and otherwise) in a decades-long personal anados {3} to engender in the initiate both esoteric, and exoteric, pathei mathos, and which pathei mathos is the beginning of wisdom […]
                  The Order of Nine Angles is a guide to that personal enantiodromia (that internal alchemical change) which can result from a conscious, a deliberate, pathei-mathos: from a practical learning that is and must be (given our unaltered physis – our natural fitrah – as human beings) both ‘sinister’ and ‘numinous’ and both esoteric (occult) and exoteric (exeatic, antinomian). {/quote}

October 2020 ev

{1} For more information on anti-fascist prejudice and their hate campaign refer to Anti-Fascist Prejudice (pdf) and The Fallacies Of Anti-O9A Propaganda which is included in the pdf file.

{2} The text was published in Stephen Sennitt’s LHP Nox zine, and was later included in the book The Infernal Texts: Nox & Liber Koth, Falcon Publications, 1997, ISBN 978-1935150732.

{3} In respect of anados, it refers to the decades-long O9A Seven Fold Way: see Perusing The Seven Fold Way: Historical Origins Of The Septenary System Of The Order of Nine Angles which is included in The Seofonfeald Paeth.


The Propaganda Campaign Against The O9A Continues

Posted: September 21st, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Nihilism, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Propaganda Campaign Against The O9A Continues


The now years-long propaganda campaign against the Order of Nine Angles continues. As witness two recent reports which repeat what has now become the Establishment orthodoxy about the “heretical” O9A.

According to a report on Vice News in September 2020,
                  {quote} A man charged with the “random” killing of a Toronto man has several online connections to Order of Nine Angles, a group an expert described to VICE News as a “neo-Nazi death cult.” [The O9A is] connected with British neo-Nazi David Myatt.{/quote}

It also repeats the lie, the propaganda, by the so-called “Hope not hate” political advocacy group, and others, that the O9A engage in “sexual assault” and rape and sexual grooming when a study of O9A texts reveals the exact opposite. {1}{2}

Notice how the so-called “expert” is not named and merely repeats the anti-fascist propaganda that the O9A is a “neo-Nazi death cult” for which no evidence is presented, a claim that a reading of O9A primary texts would refute. {1}{2} A more responsible and accurate statement would therefore have been that the O9A is alleged by its opponents to be a neo-Nazi death cult. Whatever such a so-called cult actually is.

Similarly, no evidence is presented for the claim the claim that Myatt is or was connected to the O9A – a claim Myatt has for decades denied – so that a more responsible and accurate statement would therefore have been that the O9A is allegedly connected to former neo-nazi David Myatt. {3}

In a September 2020 report by The Canadian Anti-Hate Network, about the killing of a Muslim man by Von Neutegem it was stated that,

                  {quote} “According to UK anti-hate researchers Hope Not Hate, the dark cruelty at the core of O9A encourages acolytes to engage acts that including extreme violence, sexual assault, assassinations and human sacrifices. Members have been charged for plotting terrorist attacks in the UK and USA. Included in the Von Neutegem social accounts is a YouTube channel. In it, chants associated with the O9A ceremonies play as a black and white POV shot shows a nine-pointed pentagram — the symbol of the O9A — adorning the monolith of what looks to be a homemade altar.”{/quote}

Notice how they also repeat the lie, the propaganda, that the O9A engage in “sexual assault” and other such crimes when a study of O9A texts reveals the exact opposite. {2}

It also repeats the allegation that the O9A has “members” whereas, being an anarchistic/nihilist group – with no contact address, no leader, no officials, no individuals in positions of authority – the O9A cannot have members only those who are interested in it, or who personally associate themselves with O9A philosophy often on the basis of either misunderstanding that philosophy or believing anti-fascist propaganda about the O9A.

A personal interest evident in the fact that Von Neutegem made mention of the O9A in “social media” accounts, reproduced O9A chants via another media platform and included an image of the O9A sigil. A personal interest which will no doubt not stop anti-fascists, journalists, and others from claiming he was a “member”.

Once again, the astonishing ignorance about the true nature of the O9A – by journalists and anti-fascists and others – continues to amuse us, for they have obviously not read O9A primary texts such as The Seofonfeald Paeth, {4} and if they have skimmed though a few such O9A texts they have, out of prejudice and intolerance, rejected them.

TWS Nexion
September 2020 ev

Update, 24 September 2020 ev: Since our original post, “Vice News” has amended its article Random Murder of Muslim Man Linked to Neo-Nazi Death Cult several times. The latest version states that “Balgord says [his media posts don’t] prove Von Neutegem was a member of an O9A group but it does point to the man having spent time with their teachings.” Balgord is apparently the spokesperson for the Canadian Anti-Hate Network which is affiliated with the British so-called “Hope Not Hate” anti-fascist political group.


{1} Refer to https://www.o9a.org/o9a-primary-texts/

Important texts for understanding the O9A are the four novels of the Deofel Quartet plus the pro-Lesbian novel Breaking The Silence Down, all of which are available at https://www.o9a.org/deofel-quartet/

{2} https://www.o9a.org/2020/08/our-reasoned-response/

In respect of rape, the O9A considers rapists to be suitable victims for culling: see the 2015 O9A text https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/culling-o9a.pdf which uses a real-life case as an example.

{3} Myatt’s rejection of neo-nazism and of extremism in general is well-documented in his autobiography Myngath (ISBN 978-1484110744), in his Understanding and Rejecting Extremism (ISBN 978-1484854266) and in his Extremism And Reformation (ISBN 978-1691707423).

{4} Available at https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/o9a-trilogy-print-1.pdf


An Extended Labyrinthos Mythologicus

Posted: September 2nd, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on An Extended Labyrinthos Mythologicus


An Extended Labyrinthos Mythologicus

Only a few people outside of the Occult cognoscenti realize that the past three years of propaganda, allegations, lies,and fallacies made {1} about the O9A – beginning with a 2018 article in the on-line Quietus music magazine and continued to this day by a certain political interest group and its supporters – has positively added to the Labyrinthos Mythologicus of the Order of Nine Angles and thus is beneficial to the O9A.

Positively added to the Labyrinthos Mythologicus and beneficial to the O9A because such propaganda, allegations, lies, and fallacies have – together with the The Big Lie (große Lüge) technique – further obscured what the O9A, in reality, is and was, at least for the majority.

As noted in the 2011 text titled Labyrinthos Mythologicus – included below – the Labyrinthos Mythologicus of the O9A was primarily invented, and was and is employed, as a test, a challenge, for those interested in or curious about the O9A, or desirous of undertaking for example the decades-long O9A Seven Fold Way. A test, a challenge, involving them finding what the O9A is and was: beyond the O9A’s own outward multiple mythical narratives, beyond their own preconceptions and perhaps prejudices, and beyond the propaganda and allegations of others regarding the O9A. For most people now seem to rely for information on what is presented to them via mediums such as the Internet, ‘social media’, newspapers (printed or digital) and others (such as politicians) instead of doing their own detailed research using O9A primary sources {2}, using their own intuition, or using their latent or already developed Occult skills to perceive beyond causal abstractions/ideations {3} and thus beyond the artificial dialectic of opposing opposites {4} that has dominated the thinking and the actions of perhaps most of humanity for thousands of years.

The now extended Labyrinthos Mythologicus deters the majority from discovering O9A esotericism, since they have faithfully accepted – for whatever reason – what has been written and said, and is being written and said, by others about the O9A. That is, the extended Labyrinthos Mythologicus is even more selective and testing than the original, and thus beneficial to the O9A because it ensures that only those individuals who have the right physis – the right nature – or the necessary potential or an empathy with the O9A aesthetic {5} will through their own efforts discover what the O9A now is: an apolitical esoteric movement, or sub-culture, which reveals the true physis of beings and Being {6}, beyond the Old Aeon ideation of dialectical opposites.

What those very few have discovered – or will discover – is an Aeon away, an evolution away, from the causal machinations and shenanigans of those propagating lies about, and propagating unfounded allegations regarding {7}, the O9A, trapped as those propagandists are in the maelstrom of the dialectic of conflicting opposites.

TWS Nexion
September 2020 ev

{1} For examples of fallacies made about the O9A see https://www.o9a.org/2020/03/fallacies-of-anti-o9a-propaganda/

Fallacies committed either from ignorance and/or from a desire to spread propaganda about a declared enemy. The most common fallacy is that of secundum quid et simpliciter where examples are given of the activities and attitudes of some individuals who have an interest in the O9A and then use these individual examples to describe the activities and attitudes of the O9A itself.

{2} Refer to https://www.o9a.org/o9a-primary-texts/

{3} Understood exoterically, an abstraction or ideation is the manufacture, and use of, some idea, ideal, “image”, “form”, or category, and thus some generalization. The positing of some “perfect” or “ideal” or “necessary” form, category, or thing, is part of abstraction.

Causal abstractions re-present the simplicity of causal linearality – of causal reductionism, of a simple cause-and-effect, of a limited causal thinking.

Causal abstractions are frequently projected onto human beings, and ontologically obscure the physis – the nature, the connexion to Being – of those beings. On the question of Being, see, for example, the O9A text The Acausal And ὁ θεός which is included in the Seofonfeald Paeth book, available as a gratis pdf document at https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/o9a-trilogy-print-1.pdf

{4} Implicit in causal abstraction is the ideation of opposites, and thence the ideation of a dialectic, a conflict, between such opposites; such as, in politics, of “left wing” and “right-wing”.

According to O9A metaphysics, causal abstractions, and the dialectic of opposites, reveal and presence an ignorance of the nature – the physis – of Being, which physis is both causal and acausal, with the acausal capable of being apprehended through pathei-mathos – learning from adversity and practical experience – and through the cultivation of empathy by Occult techniques (experiences) such as the practical O9A Rite of Internal Adept where the individual lives alone in the wilderness for between three and six months.

{5} Refer to the texts included in The Sinisterly-Numinous Aesthetic, available at https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/the-o9a-aesthetic-v3-1.pdf

{6} In respect of Being, see, for example, the O9A text The Acausal And ὁ θεός which is included in the Seofonfeald Paeth book.

{7} In respect of the unfounded allegations, refer to the texts included in https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/reasoned-response-v9.pdf


Labyrinthos Mythologicus

The term Labyrinthos Mythologicus is unique to the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) and one of the many original things that serve to distinguish the O9A from other occult groups or movements, be those groups or movements assigned to the Left Hand Path or described as satanist, or assigned to or described as belonging to whatever category or none.

The term is a combination of (i) a transliteration of the Greek λαβύρινθος – whence the Latin labyrinthus – and (ii) the post-classical Latin mythologicus, the former word giving rise to the English terms labyrinth {1} and labyrinthine, and the latter word having been used in the book Mythologiae by the post-Roman grammarian Fabius Fulgentius (c. 6th century CE, a modern edition of whose works was included in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana of 1898 published in Leipzig), and used by him to suggest “myth-making; creating or concerned with mythology or myths; a mythical narrative.”

Our Labyrinthos Mythologicus is (a) “a modern and an amoral version of a technique often historically employed, world-wide among diverse cultures and traditions both esoteric and otherwise, to test and select candidates,” and (b) a mischievous, japing, sly, and sometimes (for mundanes) an annoying, part of our sinister dialectic.

Thus and for example, we, the Order of Nine Angles, have presented to outsiders – and to those incipiently of our kind – a series of tests, a modern Labyrinthos Mythologicus, and which tests begin with them being expected to distil our essence from our apparent conflicting opposites. For the majority now rely for information on what is presented to them via a medium such as the Internet, rather than on their own intuition, their empathy, their Occult skills, or on their own character when they (knowingly or unknowingly) meet or interact with one of us in the real world.

For like attracts like. If they trust in and rely on words presented on some impersonal medium, then they will see only words and probably get confused by such words. But if they have our particular character, they will just know, and thus understand beyond the words and the disinformation we have spewn forth for over forty years to ensnare, entrap, enchant, entice, confuse, incite, dissuade, and jape.

For we are unashamedly elitist. Thus we have certain, particular, standards and if someone does not reach those standards, they are quite simply not good enough for us.

For instance, for those desirous of following our Seven Fold Way we have certain physical standards, and Grade Rituals for them to undertake: what we term the three basic ONA tasks. If they fail in these tasks, they fail – there are no excuses, and they can try again until they succeed and meet our standards, or they can go elsewhere. If they succeed, then and only then are they that type of our O9A kind.

Remember therefore that the ONA is a shapeshifting nexion, in the world of the mundanes, and presents as a confusing, dark, labyrinthine, satanic/non-satanic entity, and therefore does/does-not exist, never has existed, and is/is-not defunct; which is/is-not nazi; which was/is/never-was a honeytrap; whose written texts sometimes contradict each other; and is/was merely an urban legend.

As we have said/written for some forty years, we expect individuals to work things out for themselves, and thus use or develop their own judgement, and use or develop their own Occult abilities.

Order of Nine Angles,
122 yfayen (revised 127 yfayen)

{1} qv. Milton’s Comus, first performed at Ludlow Castle, Shropshire, in 1634:

                  Comus: What chance good Ladie hath bereft you thus?
                   Ladie: Dim darknesse, and this heavie Labyrinth.


Our Reasoned Response

Posted: August 28th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Nihilism, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Our Reasoned Response


Our Reasoned Response

We present here a selection of recent responses – by those associating themselves with the O9A movement (sub-culture) – to the anti-O9A campaign started in early 2019 by a political advocacy group. In contrast to the propaganda of the anti-fascists these responses by O9A folk are measured, reasoned, and provide copious reference to the O9A corpus and to primary O9A texts.

The current focus of the anti-fascist campaign is the allegation that the O9A – according to Labour Member of Parliament Stephanie Peacock – “promotes some of the world’s most hateful, misogynistic beliefs out there, targeting women with the worst forms of cruelty and violence.”

The truth is the exact opposite, as a study of O9A texts such as those listed in primary O9A texts as does The Deofel Quartet, the pro-Lesbian novel Breaking The Silence Down {1} and items such as the 2017 On The Anti-Patriarchal O9A Ethos {2} – as well as the O9A praxis named The Rounwytha, which option is explained in the text The Seven Fold Way Of The Order Of Nine Angles: A Modern Practical Guide {2} where men are the exception, women the rule. In addition, the O9A has always had Sapphic nexions {3}. See also the 2013 article The Rounwytha Way which is included here as an appendix.

The anti-fascist campaign also promotes the common misunderstanding that the O9A has “members” whereas being an esoteric anarchistic-nihilistic movement, or philosophy, {4} it cannot have members only those inspired by that philosophy or those who associate themselves with it.

As described in the text The Order Of Nine Angles: Beyond Nihilism And Anarchism (4), where references are made to Plato and Aristotle,

{quote} It is obvious to those who have studied the O9A corpus from the 1970s to the 2019, 300 page, trilogy titled Seofonfeald Paeth, that the O9A considers National Socialism – both as a political ideology and in practice – to be a useful tool, a means, to be used, via an Insight Role, by individuals who associate themselves with the O9A movement. A tool, a dialectical means, whereby they (i) can in however small a way disrupt the status quo and possibly persuade others to do the same, and (ii) can personally learn from the experience of being a practical, a real-life,modern day heretic, since according to the status quo – that is, according to all current Western governments and educational institutions – National Socialism is the epitome of evil with the myth of the “holocaust” a sacred dogma which should not be challenged, often, in some Western lands, on pain of imprisonment.
As mentioned in the above text, The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A, the O9A thus consider National Socialism, and all ideologies be they political or religious, as an idea, or ideal, ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος, with Plato’s ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος understood – via Aristotle and others – not as Plato himself believed as an ‘abstract’ (true, ideal) essence or type of being which is independent of us – but as a posited causal abstraction by someone or by some others.That is, the O9A conceive of National Socialism, and all ideologies be they political or religious, not as an “essence” and not as something “true” or essential or necessary, but as a fallible human abstraction, a technique or tool, a φαντασία, and one which can be usefully used by individuals just as the O9A itself is or can be a φαντασία to be used to achieve a personal and esoteric pathei mathos.
That this O9A view is an expression, a manifestation, a presencing, of nihilism has so far only been understood by a select few is, for the sagacious, the Occult cognoscenti, comment enough on our modern Western societies and their peoples, and comment enough on how the O9A is mis-perceived, especially by those mundanes who call it “neo-nazi” and campaign against it and who demand it be made illegal as a so-called “terrorist” organization. {/quote}

Further, as noted in an article included here, An Example And A Test, regarding the recent deluge of anti-O9A propaganda:

“In Aeonic terms – and in terms of O9A strategy – this is advantageous, and necessary. For the few – the very few – who discover for themselves the reality of, for example, the decades-long Seven Fold Way and of O9A esoteric philosophy, as manifest for example in the Seofonfeald Paeth trilogy, are those suitable to begin the quest for Lapis Philosophicus. An individual quest, by a select few, which is the essence of the third phase of O9A Aeonic strategy.”

For as one person recently said in a podcast about the O9A, all the O9A needs is that one person out of a thousand. {5}

For context, we also include a text dating from 2018 which explains the apolitical nature of the Deofel Quartet.

TWS Nexion
August 2020 ev

{1} Included in the 300 page 2019 compilation Seofonfeald Paeth, available at https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/o9a-trilogy-print-1.pdf

{2} The text is included in the compilation Seofonfeald Paeth.

{3} See, for example, https://omega9alpha.wordpress.com/sapphic-sorcery/

{4} See the text The Order Of Nine Angles: Beyond Nihilism And Anarchism, included in the compilation Seofonfeald Paeth, and also available at https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/o9a-nihilism-anarchy-1.pdf

{5} https://wyrdsister.wordpress.com/2020/08/12/the-sfk-phenomenon-and-the-order-of-nine-angles/
