Posted: April 20th, 2020 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Heretical Texts, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Nihilism, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anarchism, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, Nihilism, O9A, Occultism, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Paganism, Satanism, Seofonfeald Paeth, Seven Fold Way, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on The O9A: Beyond Nihilism And Anarchism
The Order Of Nine Angles: Beyond Nihilism And Anarchism
° The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A.
° The O9A, Plato, National Socialism, And Nihilism.
° O9A: Beyond Satanism?
Included in the pdf document are three recent – 2019-2020 – texts which explain (i) why the Order of Nine Angles (O9A/ONA) is not a neo-nazi Occult group, (ii) what the O9A mean by the term ‘satanism’, and (iii) why the O9A Occult movement – its esoteric philosophy – has now evolved beyond even their distinct presencing of ‘satanism’, an evolution consistent with the ‘sinister-numinous’ praxis that is the O9A Seven Fold Way with its decades-long individual quest for Lapis Philosophicus, for Wisdom.
These texts thus rebut the propaganda, the allegation, spread about the O9A – by many anti-fascist groups and individuals, and by the media – that it is a neo-nazi Occult group.
Instead, the O9A should be classified – depending on one’s individual interpretation of its esoteric philosophy {1} – as either a nihilistic Occult movement or as an anarchist Occult movement, where by nihilism is meant “rejection of prevailing religious beliefs, moral principles, and laws, together with a practical hostility toward accepted beliefs and/or established institutions,” and where by anarchism is meant “that way of living which regards the authority of The State as unnecessary and possibly harmful, and which instead prefers the free and individual choice of mutual and non-hierarchical co-operation.”
Our own view, as a nexion, is that the O9A is in fact a blend of both nihilism and anarchism, and represents a necessary evolution of both those causal forms, those “ideas”, thus presencing something new and appropriate for our era, something post-Satanic.
TWS Nexion
April 2020 ev
{1} The fundamental O9A “principle of the authority of individual judgment” means that each individual who identifies with the O9A movement – and who seeks for example by means of the Seven Fold Way to discover Lapis Philosophicus – should answer the question about what the O9A means and implies in their own way and in their own duration of causal time.
The principle is explained in the two texts Authority, Learning, and Culture, In O9A Tradition and The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation And Meaning and both of which are included in the recent (2019) Seofonfeald Paeth trilogy, available at
Posted: April 15th, 2020 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anarchy, Fake News, Hope Not Hate, Jake Hanrahan, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, Nazi Satanism, Nazi Satanists, Neo-Nazi, Nihilism, O9A, Occult Mythos, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, The Sinister Tradition | Comments Off on More Fake News About The O9A
Fake News About The O9A:
One More Example Among Many
We know how many people – especially journalists and anti-fascists – do not like to have their allegations and personal opinions about the O9A and about Myatt challenged in public.
In a recent example, someone posted a reply to journalist Jake Hanrahan via his “twitter” social media account questioning his assumptions about Myatt being Anton Long. The person was immediately blocked by Hanrahan from posting further replies and the reply was deleted. {1}
In his recent “podcast” about the O9A, and via his “twitter” social media account, Hanrahan makes assumptions and allegations about the O9A and about Myatt, and propagates the assumptions and allegations of others, but does not provide any actual evidence from primary sources, nothing probative, to support his and their assumptions and allegations.
He claims to have researched the “neo-nazi” O9A for years and yet does not seem to know what the O9A actually is – an Occult subculture, not a group with “members” – and does not seen to know that the O9A regard National Socialism as just one useful learning experience for some of those in the beginning of their decades long Occult quest. {2}
He also has no response to the O9A rebuttals of the “fake news” pedaled by the “Hate Not Hope” group {3} and by the anonymous author of an article on the Quietus website. {4}
He claims that Myatt=Long yet appears not to have read Myatt’s books about rejecting extremism {5} and has made no comment on Myatt’s compassionate philosophy of pathei-mathos. {6} If he has read them, then does he believe – along with those at the “Hate Not Hope” group – that Myatt’s rejection of extremism and his philosophy of pathei-mathos are fakery, the works of some master Trickster? If so, what has he that is probative to support such a belief? Apparently nothing. He has only assumptions, hearsay, rumours, and his own personal opinion based, it seems, on a lack of knowledge of what the O9A actually is.
It thus seems that he is either someone arrogantly sure that their opinion is right, or that he – like the “Hate Not Hope” group – is employing the Big Lie technique where a lie – or several lies – is or are repeated so often by so many and by various means that a large proportion of people accept the lie or lies as fact even though nothing probative – no evidence based on primary sources – is ever presented. {7}{8}
Therefore we challenge this journalist to debate with us via an e-mail account known to the author of the Quietus article and to the TV company Expectation Factual who were planning a documentary about David Copeland in which they would make mention of Myatt.
If Hanrahan does manage to find – as an investigative journalist should – that e-mail address and correspond with us then we shall publish, in full, his messages and our replies.
If he deigns not to correspond with us then we, and the Occult cognoscenti, will draw two logical conclusions.
April 2020 ev
{1} For more about Hanrahan see
See also
{5} See for example (i) and (ii)
Posted: October 18th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition | Tags: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Nazi Satanism, Nazi Satanists, Neo-Nazi, O9A, O9A Mythos, Occult Mythos, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Terrorism, The Occult Phantom Menace, The Sinister Tradition | Comments Off on The Terrorism Trial And The O9A
In several posts on the “twitter” social medium platform, the BBC journalist Daniel De Simone, reporting on the trial at Manchester Crown Court of a teenager charged with terrorism offences, wrote that the Order of Nine Angles was mentioned several times by prosecution counsel Michelle Nelson QC.
For example:
Posted: August 3rd, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Church of Satan, Howard Stanton Levey, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Culling As Art, Dark Arts, Kalos Kagathos, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, The Acausal, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on O9A: The Development Of Arete
Classic O9A Texts
The Development Of Arête
° Concerning Culling as Art
° The De-Evolutionary Nature of Might is Right
° The Gentleman’s – and Noble Ladies – Brief Guide to The Dark Arts
° The Puffery That Is The Satanic Bible
The Development Of Arête
Posted: August 3rd, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Mundanes, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Culling As Art, Dark Arts, Kalos Kagathos, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, The Acausal, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on O9A: Appreciating Kalos Kagathos
Appreciating καλὸς κἀγαθός and the O9A
As the authors of the text Some Questions And Answers About The Order of Nine Angles 2019 write, the Occult movement that is the Order Of Nine Angles (O9A) is
“a means whereby the current Aeon, distorted by the Magian, can be undermined and replaced by a new Aeonic civilization with a new ethos and with a new mythos which presences that ethos. That new ethos is an essentially pagan one evolved from the Greco-Roman and Western notion of καλὸς κἀγαθός, of τὸ καλόν (the beautiful) and τὸ ἀγαθὸν (the honourable) manifest as these are in the O9A Code Of Kindred Honour and in the balancing (á¼€ÏÏενόθηλυς) of the masculous and the muliebral via the enantiodromia that is the Seven Fold Way and presenced as that balance is in the Grade Rituals of Internal Adept and of The Abyss.”
Where the ancient Greek term καλὸς-κἀγαθός in the context of the O9A means a certain type of individual; a type of individual well-described in the 122 Year of Fayen text Concerning Culling as Art – an extract from which is given below – and which individual has a particular personal character revealed in and by their behaviour and by the deeds they have done in the real world.
Revealing, and to an extent creating, this type of personal character is one of the main aims of the O9A Seven Fold Way (7FW) with its physical challenges, its difficult and testing Insight Roles, and its Grade Rituals, especially the Grade Rituals of Internal Adept and of The Abyss. All of which were designed to test and to challenge the initiate as well as provide opportunities for both exoteric and esoteric pathei-mathos – πάθει μάθος – just as the Labyrinthos Mythologicus of the O9A was designed to challenge and test aspirant initiates.
Posted: August 3rd, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Game, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton Long, Dark Arts, Esoteric Empathy, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinister Mysterium, Sinister-Numinous, The Acausal, The Dark Tradition, The Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on O9A Q & A 2019
O9A Questions And Answers 2019
The following recent questions and answers about the Order of Nine Angles (O9A,ONA) have been purloined from e-mails sent to and replies sent from a temporary contact e-mail address privately circulated – for example to an academic, and to the journalist who wrote the November 2018 Quietus article titled Beyond The Iron Gates: How Nazi-Satanists Infiltrated the UK Underground – and which contact e-mail address also briefly appeared on the omega9alpha weblog for a few weeks in 2019 following the mention of the O9A in mainstream British newspapers such as The Daily Telegraph, The Sun, The Guardian and The Independent.
This text is the last volume in the Q & A series and thus supplements previous Some Questions and Answers About The Order of Nine Angles published in the years 2013-2017. {1}
2019 Q & A Contents:
§ O9A Texts: Where To Begin?
§ Evolving Beyond The Original Satanic Paradigm?
§ Revisiting The Perennial Nine Angles Question
§ The Neo-Nazism Of The O9A
§ Appendix I: Two O9A Grade Rituals
§ Appendix II: The O9A Code Of Kindred Honour
§ Appendix III: O9A Q &A Series Contents
Posted: July 19th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Nihilism, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anarchy, Anton Long, Inner O9A, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, Nihilism, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Satanism, The Dark Arts, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinister-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Nihilism
Nihilism And The O9A
The author of a previous item we have mentioned {1} has – or so it seems – “connected some more of the metaphysical dots” between the Order of Nine Angles and nihilism and which nihilism thus takes the O9A far beyond the “neo-nazism” that it is commonly but mistakenly said by the Occult illiterati and by the Media to espouse.
In an article titled Virtual Reality and Terrorism the author quotes from an O9A text published in Naos {2} decades ago which states that:
“For a long time the nature of the Left Hand Path has been misunderstood. The traditional definition as magick use for personal/destructive/negative purposes is meaningless because it assumes a framework of moral opposites, which does not, in reality, exist in relation to magickal energies. All evolution of consciousness is a magickal act – an expansion of the acausal into realm of the causal. From the ‘traditional’, moral/ Nazarene point of view all such evolution, of necessity, becomes evil. It is unfortunate that, for a long time, this simple fact has been obscured by silly systems like Qabala with its notions of a Dark Side of the Tree. No dark side exists, because what actually exists is dark of itself because it presences non-Being.”
As the author of Virtual Reality and Terrorism notes,
“It is all dark, because the acausal is just a […] term to denote absolute evil and every act of presencing it in the causal realm of necessity, becomes evil.”
Yet even if nihilism is accepted to mean “rejection of prevailing religious beliefs, moral principles, and laws, together with a practical hostility toward accepted beliefs and/or established institutions,” then both philosophically and practically the leaderless O9A movement goes beyond the type of nihilism manifest for example in O9A insight roles, in presencing the acausal through sinister deeds, through heretical Occult rites and ceremonies, and through the O9A principle of the authority of individual judgment.
It does so because, as explained elsewhere {3} the raison d’être of the O9A is evident in:
“individuals undertaking an often decades-long hermetic anados (ἄνοδος) by which they might discover Lapis Philosophicus and thus acquire wisdom. A practical anados manifest in the O9A Seven Fold Way,”
and in the fact that:
“what the Media focus upon and misinterpret – such as alleged culling, insight roles, satanism, alleged neo-nazism, alleged disruption of society, and Occult ceremonial rituals such as those in the O9A Black Book of Satan – are related to only one temporary part of that Seven Fold Way. Which part is that relevant only to an External Adept (stage three of seven) and which part lasts from between a year to around eighteen months after which the individual moves on to other learning experiences.”
Which other learning experiences – beyond the stage of External Adept – involve “numinous experiences” such as the three to six month long rite of Internal Adept where the individual lives alone in the wilderness.
The O9A Adept therefore as a result of their anados presences some-thing – a Reality – which prevailing religious beliefs, moral principles, laws, causal abstractions and forms hide or obscure or distort.
Furthermore, the O9A movement has always maintained that the knowing of this Reality is acquired wordlessly, and thus is not only an acausal-knowing but also the result of a pathei mathos – a learning from personal experience, ordeals, and challenges both Occult and practical. {4}
Thus it is perhaps more apt to describe the O9A as representing a post-modernist nihilism.
TWS Nexion
April 2019 ev
{2} A facsimile of the Naos MS is currently (April 2019) available at
Posted: July 18th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Heretical Texts, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Anton LaVey, Anton Long, Church of Satan, David Myatt, Howard Stanton Levey, Left Hand Path, Mythos, O9A, O9A Esoteric Philosophy, O9A Mythos, O9A Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism | Comments Off on The Two Types Of Satanism

The Two Types Of Satanism
There are basically two types of Satanism: (i) the ‘modern American’ type manufactured and propagated by Howard Stanton Levey – better known under his aliases of Anton LaVey and Anton Szandor LaVey – and (ii) the ‘traditional Satanism’ as manifest in the Occult philosophy and the praxis of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) as developed and expounded by the pseudonymous Anton Long.
§ The Satanism Of Levey
§ The Satanism Of Anton Long
§ A Contrast Of Lives
§ A Contrast Of Writings
§ Conclusion
Posted: July 7th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Breaking The Silence Down, Deofel Quartet, Deofel Quintet, Inner O9A, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Occult Fiction, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Satanism, Septenary System, Seven Fold Way, Sinister-Numinous Aesthetic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on O9A: Deofel Quintet Analysis
The O9A Deofel Quintet
The O9A Deofel Quintet consists of the following novels:
§ Falcifer
§ The Temple Of Satan
§ The Greyling Owl
§ The Giving
§ Breaking The Silence Down
The Quintet – the Deofel Quartet plus the novel Breaking The Silence Down – amounts to almost 600 pages and is a neglected aspect of O9A occultism. For attention hitherto – especially in mainstream Media, by self-described modern ‘satanists’, by academics, and by self-described ‘anti-fascists’ – has focused on the alleged neo-nazi and satanist aspects of O9A occultism, with what the O9A means by satanism either ignored or misunderstood.
The Deofel Quintet {1} places the neo-nazism and the satanism aspects into the necessary esoteric perspective, for the novels of the Deofel Quintet are non-political with the overt satanism of such works as Falcifer and The Temple of Satan expressing the place of satanism in O9A tradition: which is that it is a short-lived and personal learning experience, germane to the early stages, the first few years, of the anados (ἄνοδος), the decades-long hermetic quest, for Lapis Philosophicus. An anados manifest in O9A hermeticism by the sinister-numinous Seven Fold Way.
In this perspective, both Falcifer and The Temple of Satan are concerned with initiate type learning experiences: gaining esoteric knowledge, participating in ceremonial overtly ‘satanic’ rituals, and experiencing the part of the satanic ethos that concerns personal pride and personal pleasure. But they also deal with how personal emotion – especially love – affects them, can complicate their lives, as well as offering them opportunities to learn and advance further in their anados.
Which advancement is the concern of The Greyling Owl, of The Giving, and of Breaking The Silence Down.
{1} The novels of the Quintet are available from
Posted: July 6th, 2019 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Michael Aquino, Nihilism, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Aeonic Sorcery, Anarchy, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Left Hand Path, O9A, Omega9Alpha, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanism, Seven Fold Way, Sinister Dialectic, Sinister Mysterium, The Dark Tradition, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on Insight Roles In Historical And Esoteric Context
Extracts from primary sources such as The Satanic Letters Of Stephen Brown are provided which place O9A Insight Rôles into historical and esoteric context. Which context is of such Rôles being useful and practical learning experiences for someone, Initiate or External Adept, following the O9A Seven Fold Way, and forming only a temporary part of that Seven Fold Way which itself forms part of the sinister dialectic, the Aeonic strategy, of the Order of Nine Angles. Such primary sources are important resources in respect of researching and understanding the O9A.
Insight Rôles In Historical And Esoteric Context