Posted: August 29th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Richard Moult, Tarot Archetypes, Tarot Cards, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Ancient Pagan Traditions, Anton Long, Corpus Hermeticum, David Myatt, Esoteric Philosophy of Anton Long, Ghayat al-Ḥakim, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Marsilii Ficini, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Paganism, Picatrix, Richard Moult, Rounwytha, Seven Fold Way, Somnium Scipionis, The Hermetic Tradition, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on The Picatrix, Ghayat al-hakim, And The O9A

The Latin Picatrix, The Arabic Ghayat al-ḥakim, And The O9A Septenary System
Those who have studied the Renaissance Latin text known as the Picatrix, and those who have studied the more ancient Arabic text – Ghayat al-ḥakim – on which it is based, will be aware of three things.
First, that describing either book as an “astrological” text is a mistake, given (i) what the term astrology now denotes, such as the making of natal charts, and the writing of horoscopes based on Zodiacal constellations; and given (ii) that the classical Latin term astrologia denoted the Art (scientia) of knowing and understanding celestial objects – the stars and planets – and how these objects might affect mortals given that for ancient Greek and Roman philosophers we mortals were considered as connected to, as part of, the cosmic order, κόσμος.
Second, that the subject of Ghayat al-ḥakim – and thus of the Picatrix – is this connection and how a knowledge and understanding of the seven planets, of the Zodiacal constellations, and the relation between them, was a means whereby wisdom – an understanding of the cosmos, and of ourselves – could be attained […]
Third, how a septenary system permeates those two books.
Editorial Note: The synchronicity of such recent O9A texts dealing with ancient Arabic esoteric manuscripts such as Ghayat al-hakim, and the appearance of Richard Moult’s latest Tarot image The Emissary with its Arabic inscription – أساسيون – is esotericism at its modern best.
The Eludent Order Of Nine Angles
Image credit: The Emissary, by Richard Moult.
Image source:
Posted: August 24th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Ancient Pagan Traditions, Anton Long, Corpus Hermeticum, David Myatt, Esoteric Philosophy of Anton Long, Ghayat al-Ḥakim, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Marsilii Ficini, Occultism, Order of Nine Angles, Paganism, Picatrix, Rounwytha, Seven Fold Way, Somnium Scipionis, The Hermetic Tradition, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on The Eludent O9A
The Eludent Order Of Nine Angles
This O9A compilation conveniently brings together some recent articles which, as explained in the Introduction, manifest aspects of O9A tradition hitherto neglected by both other Occultists and by academics who have studied or who are studying Western Occultism and/or the O9A.
Which aspects are (i) Occult knowledge – esoteric and pagan traditions, Greco-Roman, Arabic, and Persian – absent from other manifestations of modern Western Occultism; (ii) the link which the O9A has through this knowledge to those ancient traditions; and (iii) the erudition shown by the authors of such O9A texts.
The compilation thus compliments the O9A texts in AÏÏενόθηλυς: Alchemical And Hermetic Antecedents Of The Seven Fold Way, issued in 2016.
Posted: August 13th, 2018 | Author: baeldraca | Filed under: Inner ONA, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: Alchemy, Ancient Pagan Traditions, Anton Long, Corpus Hermeticum, David Myatt, Esoteric Philosophy of Anton Long, Ghayat al-Ḥakim, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, Marsilii Ficini, Order of Nine Angles, Paganism, Picatrix, Seven Fold Way, Somnium Scipionis, The Hermetic Tradition, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition | Comments Off on O9A Notes On Two Ancient Pagan Texts
O9A Esoteric Notes On Two Ancient Pagan Texts
We republish here two esoteric notes from 2017 ev since they are relevant to and compliment the recent (2018) O9A texts An Esoteric Note On The Somnium Scipionis {1}, Some O9A Notes On The Picatrix {2}, and A Hidden O9A? {3}.
The two esoteric notes deal with ancient Greco-Roman sources that perhaps many of those who describe themselves as practitioners of a Western Occult tradition will be unfamiliar with.
The first deals with the Avenging Alastoras as described in tractate 13 of the Corpus Hermeticum. The second, and more detailed note, concerns a part of Virgil’s Aeneid and provides a scholarly, an initiated, insight into words such as the Latin magicas which via the Greek μαγικός was the origin of the English term magic/magick.
To provide some context, what is evoked by Virgil is the immolation of a lady (Dido) who would rather die than dishonour herself by having to live with a barbarian, and who is angry at Aeneas for deserting her and who seeks aid through The Craft (sorcery) by means of a Dragon-friendly priestess. This is a manifestation of the Western ethos and a world away from what is evoked by the medieval grimoire, Magian influenced, tradition with its profusion of hierarchical ‘demons’, its alleged ‘secrets’, and its hollow promises that anyone can control such ‘demonic’ entities if they have the right accoutrements and the right Magian names.
As we mentioned at the beginning of the Alastoras article:
“We read an awful lot, these days, in books, articles, and via the internet, about ‘sorcery’ and invokations, almost all of which books and articles describe or rely on the Magian influenced goetic ‘tradition’ as exemplified by the misnamed Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn. Thus it is refreshing to once again revisit actual Western pagan sources…”
We have corrected a few typos, updated some of the references, and added an additional reference to the Alastoras article.
TWS Nexion
August 2018 ev